XxMetztlixX's Posted Comments

Total 40 Comments
Thank you. I worked hard on this poem and literally rewrote it like 10 times just to get it right.
Wow! It was like I was there watching the entire thing happen. It was incredible and is definitely one of my most favorite stories without a doubt!
wow this looks amazing
freaky but really awesome!
amazing one of the best poems i have ever read
amazing poem
so true
terrific poem very describing and gruesome i love it i would give it 5 out of 5 stars nice
Amazing i feel like this poem was written for me describes me completely
Amazing poem
I can completely relate to this poem my friends keep telling me no but i dont know why they keep trying to convince
It depends on whether you enjoy the dark like i enjoy the dark because no one would notice me so no one can hurt me
amazing dark funny like my table members were looking at me funny when i laughed at the first part can i include this in my poetry club it would be put in our the book of poems we honor so get back to me so i can tell my club thanks for the laugh
Amazing with your permission i would like to add this to my poetry's club poems of honor list this is deep and amazing so please could i show my club this poem
Amazing poem do you mind if i use this poem for my poetry club
I am proud to review this story for it is truly a great one I'm trying to work on my stories and i figured why not review other people's stories so congratulations if i was to put this into a newspaper i would give it a 5 out of 5 painted smiles beautiful
OMG AMAZING i could just picture the bodies as art truly masterpieces