Showing results for tag "hurt"
Gothic Darkness
Mario Vitale
07 Jun, 2017 03:16 AMPillars in light fashionable decorum sets the standard Those high rise structures with heavenly interior The holy oblation lead to the ultimate construction In matters of trust we can maintain a humane aura A heart that devised the good of humanities stake & claim An old lady named Grier used to live in it's dwelling A structure well kept yet needs a fix up with the plumbing Grier used to frequent her yard with it's barbed wire fence Tragedy had claimed her late husband's life that left her alone She carries on with a smile in her lone desolation A mere place for rest like a long awaited vacation With sincere love in her heart she would often singTags: Hate, Hurt, Darkness
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Votes: 2
Cancer in the Heart
13 Oct, 2016 07:48 AMRotten like the sheep flesh being stewed, Disgusting as maggots eating thy flesh, Ugly like the cancer in my heart, Why such creature exists in this Earth? The reminder of the sin you committed, The hate you have shown upon me, I am the "thing" you hold depraved and unwanted. Grown and nurtured into a pot of wrath,Tags: Evil, Revenge, Dark Soul, Dark Love, Broken, Betrayal, Hate, Hurt, Horror, Hopeless
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Votes: 3
~Psychotic Rage~
Midnyt Ravyn
23 Jul, 2016 06:49 PMWeakened by the blow Dizzy from the haze I'm caught in the crossfire Once again you go Into your psychotic rage Leaving me breathless I'm overcome with hate Your laughter deafens me While I whither in pain Taken away my sanityTags: Anger, Abuse, Hurt
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Votes: 0
Dark Child
09 Jan, 2015 10:52 PMShe screams for help But no one cares to feel her pain she's "just a girl" "Just a girl" they all say a stupid girl who doesn't know how to behave but no one knows the real story they think it's a joke they think it's funny when they find out the truthTags: Sin, Darkness, Darkchild01, Hurt, Pain, Revenge
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Votes: 6
27 Nov, 2014 06:25 PMShe once was happy Skin pale skin white Buts now stained red From the blade to her right The pain inside That once was never felt The tears from her eyes that always pour outTags: Suicide, Hurt, Pain, Cutting
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Votes: 12
Bleeding Soul
Dead Empty Soul
09 Nov, 2014 03:22 PMThis dark room of four walls Becomes a prison to my heart I run through the empty halls My heart died from the start When I see your smile I think I just wanna die You look at my skin Like it is a sin The laughter echoes in my head And now I think I'm deadTags: Death, Suicide, Pain, Hurt, Blood
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Votes: 6
Suicidal Misconception
16 Oct, 2014 12:56 AMThe blood-stained hands, the blood-stained knife. The mind is willing, to end your life. The demons inside causing nothing to feel, but the blood-stained knife is oh so real. Having known no love, having been shown no compassion. Some things you just do, without any question.Tags: Suicide, Sad, Death, Hurt
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Votes: 1
Assault on Purity
Abaddon Torment
07 Aug, 2014 07:21 PMSnow, smothering the ground Open and vast, How long will pure last? Its beauty, Flawless Like its past. No marks, Nothing is disturbed. Till the day, She walked a different way. Drop. Drop.Tags: Rape, Hurt
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Votes: 1
a memory I hate...
16 Jun, 2014 07:53 AMAs I stare at myself, through shattered glass, crimson tears, shine bold as brass, Dripping slowly, from my blood-stained hand, as I slowly fall, fall and land, Someone release me, from the bowels of hell,Tags: Depression, Dark, Alone, Sad, Suffering, Abuse, Fear, Hurt, Hate
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Votes: 5
I Loved At One Time.
25 Apr, 2014 11:30 PMI wouldn't have fallen in love if I knew the price I would have pay. If I had known how much it'd hurt. I had trusted you, and you had thrown me to the ground; I wasn't worthy of you. I tried to be the best I could be for you, but it was never enough. So yes, I did at one time love. But never again; will I allow my heart or mind to experience the trauma you put me through.Tags: Dark Mind, Dark World, Dark, Lost, Lonely, Love, Heartbroken, Heart Broken, Hurt
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Votes: 3