02 Sep, 2016 12:23 AM
The first thing you should know about me is that I’m very faint of heart.
There’s a pamphlet I’ve been looking for for a while now. I remember coming across it a while ago while I was a child. I was at the doctor’s office, the waiting room, getting a physical. The year was 2002. I was born in 1996.
That’s when I saw it. Strewn within the other celebrity or glamor magazines, it peeked out with one, single, gray corner.
It was almost like it was looking at me. I picked it up and read the title.
“How to Talk to Yourself.” by a man named Roger Harrison. There was no graphic, just the white background and the arial font reading the title and the author.
To this day, I’ve never been able to find out who the mysterious Roger Harrison was. I’ve spent countless hours on the internet... [Read More]
IsolationVotes: 1112079
28 Sep, 2015 04:06 AM
60..59..58..57..56..It's pointless. Why should all these people live? These teenagers. Of course, I'm one too, yet I feel as though I'm much more than them. Their lives mean nothing. All they do is have sex, do drugs, drink, bully. What use are they? What use am I? It's time for someone to do something about these awful people.To get rid of them. There are others like me. Others who think they should all die. They're nothing. They should all burn in hell for their sins. If we come together, we can rid the world of them all. Everyone will see what good we've done. They'll thank us. We'll be remembered.
40..39..38..37..36..It's so exciting. Here we all are, in the gym together. And once again, our school team is losing. 8 to 0. All they do is dribble the ball and shoot. So pointless. What good will that do in this... [Read More]
GraphicVotes: 135647
26 Jan, 2015 10:59 AM
“Today was exceedingly slow. First off, waking up at 6:30, ‘who even fucking scheduled that!?’ anyways, waking up seemed to take forever. I must have slept wonderfully last night because drool was EVERYWHERE! UGH! It was like a hound dog that kept his mouth wide open all night long. Breakfast was good, though I ran out of fucking corn flakes. The cat would not shut up either. However, the rest of the time at home went pretty smooth; got dressed, left for work…blah, blah.
The ride to work was GOD awful! So much traffic and ASSHOLE drivers!! This butt-head decided that he wanted to turn in front of me. Casually, I sped up in hopes of ramming the bastard. My conscience was telling me that I should go follow this guy for a little "chit chat". Well I did. We must have driven for an hour or so. I had... [Read More]
GraphicVotes: 643857
28 Dec, 2013 01:18 PM
You just moved into your new apartment, in a very big city. After a year of this life, you have almost given up hope of making any friends; be it at work or any other means. Every time you get close to someone and show the real you they recoil in fear or think you weird. You feel very lonely. After looking for a peaceful place to spend your time, you find a quiet diner on the outskirts of town. It may be small and dingy but it is homey. The waitress is very attractive. Also, she seems to be the only employee there, ever. You never see anyone else eat there either, ever. The place is perfect for you. Secluded and someone willing to acknowledge you.
The more you visit the more you acquaint yourself with the Waitress. You become close, you've made your only friend. Making love to... [Read More]
SuspenseVotes: 1016129
09 Apr, 2013 07:28 PM
"My friend and I have been trapped here for as long as I dare to remember. There is no door, no window, and no light source, even though my friend and I can see perfectly well. This room, these walls, are all we have since we were taken from our homes. It's mostly a blur of images to me, but my friend, Miko, says that we were in school when it happened.
We were in art class together, talking about what we should sculpt and whom we should draw, when a loud noise pierced the air like needles, and the sky outside had gone from its sunny spring day to a dark and ominous void of black and red. The sky was flashing at a rapid pace, and a humming sound drew our attention to the window, where several shadows swirled by or glared in at us. We had gotten... [Read More]
Dark CreatureVotes: 722666
24 Feb, 2013 06:35 AM
I awoke. I had one of the strangest dreams I can ever recall; it was not horror movie scary nor did it really make any sense. But it honestly frightened me due to me having no idea what was going on. It was just me sitting alone in a stray jacket in a padded white room; from what I can infer I was in a mental Institution. I had no idea why I was there; but all I was doing was trying to calm myself down and think of a reason why I was in there. But before I could completely calm myself down a 6 foot 4 man walked in to the room. He was wearing a fancy black suit; he had big bushy eyebrows with a big bald spot on the top of his head. He walked straight to me, kneeled down removing his sunglasses looking into my... [Read More]
BloodVotes: 3328637
11 Jan, 2013 08:31 PM
My friend and I walked alone today. We did talk a lot at the time, but when we came closer to his home, he started to taunt me a little because I can be easy to scare. He counted all the times he had fooled me the last week. I feel a little like a coward, but I know he didn't want to be mean. He asked me if I was enough of a man to walk alone through the valley of death at night; I didn't know what it was so I asked him. After a few seconds, he answered me: “The valley of death is a place full of evil; your worst nightmare WILL come true. It is a place where you heart will stun just at the sight of the horror there. There are a lot of rumors about the valley, but one thing is definitely for... [Read More]
Valley Of Dead,
ScaryVotes: 234139