DC Martin's Posted Comments

Total 9 Comments
I appreciate that black moonlight, I'm glad u liked it. Check out my other poems on this site.
Thanks Jono Hill, what a great compliment!
thanks U-Dub, I appreciate that!
I'm not sure who doth lurk there, for my view is quite obscured, but whoever stands beyond that door, I'm certain is impure. The smell of fear upon me, or perhaps just in my mind, as the door knob moves ever so slight, and the hinges softly whine. The chain is locked and holding and I can see a smile there through the crack, as the moon dips behind the clouds and I'm left here in the black.
why thank you Blackveil, would love to read something by you.
This poem is inspired by the unrepentant serial killer named Carl Panzram. His only wish was to kill as many as he could and to die. The only known person to ever go to the gallows and tell the executioner to "hurry up you hoosier bastard, I could kill 10 people while you're messing around"
thanks! I appreciate your comments. If you would like to read more, I have a book on amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/dp/0557386616/ref=cm_sw_su_dp
Thanks for the good comments guys!
Thanks guys! I really appreciate you reading my stuff on here!