Jun Han's Profile

Name: Jun Han
Joining Date: 28 Dec, 2012 02:36 AM
About Me: Faced by Death and Hell on one side, and faced by living hell on the other
Total Submission: 2
Total Comments: 4


Total 4 Comments
Demorgorgon: of course its blasphemous, to God, that was the whole point. I'm not saying this is true but that its just imagination based on what isn't on the bible. it doesn't change the fact that lucifer is a fallen angel and that he turned against god. and plus from an objective view point either this story or God's bible could be true. The only reason you say this is blasphemous is because you base all your judgements on the bible.
theres one more that i wrote that's a more detailed version of this, so try that one, not sure if i have it in me to write more though
HAHAHAHAHA and how do you know that???? God told you that lol, the BIble, you never got to hear Satan's side of the story. Every word that describes God, its from the book that he himself wrote. Its like, praising yourself in a autobiography.
one on pending, thx for reading man
