25 Oct, 2016 03:40 PM
I smelled the most alluring smell steaming out of her living room. “I cooked something special for us today,” Delilah’s voice announced excitedly across the hall. I followed my nose to her living room to find a delicious collection of shrimp, fries, pizza and a huge deck of roasted meat. I positioned myself between Jesse and Dalilah who exchanged each other with hateful glares. Opposite from me stood Joey who held his fork clutched tightly in his fist. He shoveled spoonfuls into his mouth. Occasionally he would talk about his days at school, but today his only focus was his plate.
Awkwardness enlightened the room while Jesse and Dalilah continued to manifest signs of complete hatred. With a look of disgust, Jesse poked the meat repeatedly. “Is this even meat?” He scrunched his face.
“I see that your rudeness has still not left you,” Delilah snarled. Jesse rolled his eyes,... [Read More]
CheatingVotes: 1416506
18 Aug, 2013 08:53 AM
My mom says you shouldn't hate anyone. You should always love regardless of how that person 'is'. But I couldn't help it. Holding that gun to his face and him mirroring my actions felt so good! I smiled when the look of desperation flashed in his eyes.
'Almost like a deer in the headlights.' I laughed.
"Why? I love you." He says.
"I love you too. But at the same time I hate you more then anything." My emotionless eyes boor into his.
I've always hated him. Somewhere deep down I knew this would happen. I knew we would be the end of each other. Such a perfect.. Finish. He doesn't want to kill me. Oh, but I want to kill him. And if he killed me it would just make this even better. I smiled at him. I know he knows. He looks beautiful..
His blond hair stick on... [Read More]
GraphicVotes: 937022
02 Mar, 2013 12:55 AM
It was summertime,1947, and a warm breeze swirled through the neighborhoods caressing old brick homes with white painted porches and radios blasting out tunes by the Harmonicats. Those were the days when milk was still brought to your door in cold sweating glass bottles which the doorman delivered clinking to your doorstep and sleek black cars cruised by on white wall tires blaring horns that really let you have what for.
My father had come back from the war three years before, gaunt and etched, a ghost of the man he’d been returned back to us from across some raging ocean surrounded by killing fields, entire countries become crypts. He was further away now than he’d ever been during the war. He drank Schlitz on the porch all day every day, that’s what he did, from sun up to sun down and my mother and I mostly just stayed away.... [Read More]
SickVotes: 622150
25 Feb, 2013 09:30 PM
There once was a beautiful girl engaged to a soldier who caught the eye of an evil woodsman who had sold his soul for the ability to turn himself into a wolf at will. He lay in wait for the girl when she was walking home one day and accosted her, begging her to elope with him. The maiden refused, spurning his love and crying out to her love to save her from his advances.
The girl's cries were heard by her eager fiancé, who had come searching for her when she was late returning to her parent's home. The soldier drove the woodsman away, threatening him with dire consequences if he ever approached the maiden again. The furious woodsman lay low for a few days, waiting for his chance. It came on the girl's wedding day. She was dancing happily at her wedding reception with a group of her... [Read More]
BrideVotes: 1123130