12 Nov, 2017 02:03 AM
Within a mansion where George Hearn was recently hired, a girl not quite living drifted toward him in the form of a mist. Lovely was her voice as she spoke to him and soon he followed her wispy form to the second floor of the great house, pausing at the door which she said was her room, the very room where the old lady who owned the place slept.
Her lovely voice said, Come to me.
He didn’t know her words registered in his mind, not in the fabric of the air. “Where did you go,” he asked, “why can’t I see you anymore?”
The real me is on the other side of the door, and I am oh so lonely.
“But this is Ruth’s bedroom. Do you want to get me fired?”
Oh no, not for anything in the world. Don’t worry. She sleeps with Prince Valium. You’d have... [Read More]
EvilVotes: 017335
12 Apr, 2017 02:52 PM
The dream was too vivid to even know it was a dream. The setting took place at a garden party where the food and people were satisfying. Two gentlemen, Jasper and Frank, nestled among a group of wealthy citizens. Till all of a sudden a rumour began to spread across the room. Jessabelle was invited to the party. Jessabelle was on her way. Due to the stories Jasper heard about her, he wasn’t quite fond of meeting her. A hush came among the people as he shifted his eyes to see a young tall gorgeous woman standing in the doorway. She was greeting the host and walked around the room. She looked normal to him, and it was hard to believe that she was different. Jasper and Frank became frightened as she walked towards them. As impulsive as Frank was, he panicked, then grabbed a glass of holy water and... [Read More]
GraphicVotes: 530468
13 Sep, 2013 04:42 PM
Chapter 1
In the corner curled into a ball. I cry alone and alone only, no one there but myself. I look up and all I see is the color black. I look up into this darkness. This scary, cold, thick, condensed air. All around me is darkness. Scared and alone, I wonder why I'm here and that I want out of here but yet I feel.....at home in the dark. Maybe there is more to my dark side then I realized. I put my head back down into my arms and knees. I sit on the floor as quietly as possible. I listen to the sounds that I hear. I close my eyes and focus hard on what I want to hear. I sit and I wait and wait and wait. I start drifting off into a sleep. And my head hits the floor as I have fallen from... [Read More]
DemonVotes: 627490
11 Jan, 2013 08:31 PM
My friend and I walked alone today. We did talk a lot at the time, but when we came closer to his home, he started to taunt me a little because I can be easy to scare. He counted all the times he had fooled me the last week. I feel a little like a coward, but I know he didn't want to be mean. He asked me if I was enough of a man to walk alone through the valley of death at night; I didn't know what it was so I asked him. After a few seconds, he answered me: “The valley of death is a place full of evil; your worst nightmare WILL come true. It is a place where you heart will stun just at the sight of the horror there. There are a lot of rumors about the valley, but one thing is definitely for... [Read More]
Valley Of Dead,
ScaryVotes: 233962
27 Dec, 2012 10:26 AM
As we sit here, I start to see things another way than I did before. I hope that telling you this will at least bring me some kind of peace inside. What I feel right now is only remorse and anger and it is disturbing to me. Do you understand what I mean? It really hurts inside of me, but I know that I need to get it out at some point - To start feeling whole again. I don’t want to be a prisoner in my own life again.
When I am thinking back at my life, there are a few things that scare me a lot. One of them was how I felt seeing the horror my brother was going through at a young age. He is not much younger than me and we are a lot alike in nature. All the harmony changed a lot in the... [Read More]
ScaryVotes: 2031240
20 Dec, 2012 10:04 PM
My stepmother was vile. I guess most kids think that when their father remarries. But in this case, it was true. She only married Father because he was rich, and she hated children. There were three of us – me (Marie), my middle brother Richard and my youngest brother Charles. We were the price my stepmother Gerta paid for being rich. And we were all that stood between her and inheriting Father's money when he died. So she took steps against us.
She sent my youngest brother Charles away to boarding school overseas. It had a good, scholarly reputation, but it also had the reputation for being a hard school that was full of bullies and strict discipline. Not a place where a delicate child like Charles, who had been sickly as a baby, would thrive. He was miserable there. Somehow, Gerta contrived to keep him there for all but... [Read More]
Dark Art,
DarkVotes: 1127129