09 Jun, 2015 03:24 AM
When you are told one thing for so long you believe it. I know I look good, I know I'm not evil, I know I'm not an addict, I know I'm not a mistake. But I am.
You can't grow a rose in a burning pit of tar, no matter what people say. It may look like a rose but inside, inside its a rotting weed. Tortured by its thoughts and feelings. Broken down by everything and everyone around it until it decides to break its self. Its sorry for everything its done to you, it doesn't know what it did, what it said but its sorry.
It cries itself to sleep because it doesn't understand why it doesn't belong. It gets high and drunk to finally love itself, to finally feel some peace. Only to be screamed at, tossed around and disgarded like trash because it can't get love... [Read More]
HelpVotes: 1514449
10 Dec, 2014 07:07 AM
Years ago, in Ireland, there was a young girl named Mary Culhane. Her family was very poor and they lived in a white-washed cottage, down a country lane. She had six younger brothers and sisters and spent a lot of her time taking care of them. Her father worked as a grave digger in the local cemetery, next to the Catholic church. It was the only job he could get because he had been born with a bad leg.
One day, when her father came home, he sat down sighed. He was extremely tired after working all day.
“I can’t believe it,” he said. “I left my blackthorn walking stick back at the graveyard. If I don’t go back for it, someone will steal it. It was the last thing my poor departed father gave me before he died. I can barely walk without it.”
Mary Culhane was always a... [Read More]
Dark Creature,
GraveVotes: 320605
13 Sep, 2013 04:42 PM
Chapter 1
In the corner curled into a ball. I cry alone and alone only, no one there but myself. I look up and all I see is the color black. I look up into this darkness. This scary, cold, thick, condensed air. All around me is darkness. Scared and alone, I wonder why I'm here and that I want out of here but yet I feel.....at home in the dark. Maybe there is more to my dark side then I realized. I put my head back down into my arms and knees. I sit on the floor as quietly as possible. I listen to the sounds that I hear. I close my eyes and focus hard on what I want to hear. I sit and I wait and wait and wait. I start drifting off into a sleep. And my head hits the floor as I have fallen from... [Read More]
DemonVotes: 627581
07 Aug, 2013 04:44 AM
Pure silence covered the whole house. You could hear your own breathing from wall to wall. And darkness was my friend. Shadows were everywhere to be seen, they chased you. All I could do was run, behind my guide. We both felt it coming, but we never said a word. From door to door there was nothing but black illusions. Tension was everywhere though, but the kind that you felt in your bones. And I for sure did not want to get caught in the act. The followers were getting near. There's no place to hide now.
She took me by the hand and quickly we moved from place to place. I could hear her mumble, but it only made me worry more. What can you say, I was a kid of four at the time. And for running in complete darkness and hearing voices from everywhere is what made... [Read More]
HurtVotes: 227019
24 Nov, 2012 08:49 PM
I looked around at everyone seeing their hands in the air voting me to go up, I hated them all. Not just now but all the time, I may act like I don’t but I do. I glare at all of them as they all smile at me, their eyes laughing at me. I smile back as a thought forms in my mind, mass murder.
I walk into school the next day late to lunch, just perfect. The whole school is their all sitting waiting for me to go in. As I walk in they all turn to see who walked in, I smile and wave with one hand, going for my gun with the other. I watch with my sadistic grin as their eyes grow wide as they realize what’s happening. My first shot is at a girl in the ninth grade I think, not that it matters much,... [Read More]
Dark Mind,
Dark World,
GraphicVotes: 1433057
12 Oct, 2012 02:10 AM
I want to hurt somebody. Make someone feel how I do. The river is beautiful, my gun is loaded, my tools are cleaned, and my toy is all tied up and ready. She looks at me in fear, she can't very well scream with the gag in her mouth. So I took it out, I wanted to hear how she asked "what did I ever do to you?" and "why me?" I wanted to hear her scream. She looked at me terrified as I took out my first tool, just an ordinary pair of scissors.
She asked what I was going to do to her. I ignored her talking as it was tedious. I took the scissors and slowly moved them towards her head, she screamed when I grabbed a fist full of her hair she bragged so much about and cut it all off. I looked at her dissatisfied,... [Read More]
GraphicVotes: 927290