12 Jul, 2015 05:20 PM
This happens quite frequently in the making of legends. In small towns
after all, who really believes that some old man’s disgruntle tales of his family home being invaded by a werewolf fifty years ago on a Halloweens night would ever come true.
By a young boy’s dead father last words before he died.
Jack and his Mother Deborah accounts to there his son, now
being an old man himself many many years later.
The belief was real in fact, the boy’s father believed it so much that there was a silver barrel shotgun with a homemade large thick wooden stock to hold its adamant size and weight by the front door remembering when he was a young boy.
In that and a water stained cardboard box of silver bullets was all that
remained to his father’s true belief carries with the shotgun as the shells rattled in his pocket... [Read More]
WerewolfVotes: 814372
09 Jun, 2015 03:24 AM
When you are told one thing for so long you believe it. I know I look good, I know I'm not evil, I know I'm not an addict, I know I'm not a mistake. But I am.
You can't grow a rose in a burning pit of tar, no matter what people say. It may look like a rose but inside, inside its a rotting weed. Tortured by its thoughts and feelings. Broken down by everything and everyone around it until it decides to break its self. Its sorry for everything its done to you, it doesn't know what it did, what it said but its sorry.
It cries itself to sleep because it doesn't understand why it doesn't belong. It gets high and drunk to finally love itself, to finally feel some peace. Only to be screamed at, tossed around and disgarded like trash because it can't get love... [Read More]
HelpVotes: 1514399
18 Jun, 2015 09:13 PM
“I hate the moon — I am afraid of it — for when it shines on certain scenes familiar and loved it sometimes makes them unfamiliar and hideous.”
— H.P. Lovecraft, What The Moon Brings.
Studying plant-life had long since taken hold of my attention, so I resolved to earn a degree in botany. Although I was still considered an amateur, I had my fair share of academic accomplishments; my manuscript on the characteristics of non-native plants had been the object of scholarly inquiry for months after a scientific journal had agreed to print my work. I sought more knowledge, — and more specimens as my expertise and credentials grew. Eventually, my endeavors lead me to a secluded part of land located in the French countryside. My colleagues had boasted that many rare specimens flourished in this part of the world, many undiscovered or scarcely examined. The cottage I stayed... [Read More]
DarkVotes: 315334
22 Mar, 2015 12:19 PM
Alice was panting frantically. Her right leg was bleeding and something was dug deep in her shoulder, she started realizing that as she moved, she went no where. Then she saw that her left hand was caught inside a net. She wildly pulled her hand free and slowly stood up, clutching her right leg.
"Zane.....Zane! Zane! Answer me!Where are you! Zane, Please! ZANE!"
She moved away from the crash and sat on the dry, cold grass. Still shocked burying her hands in her face, sobbing.
"don't leave me"
It was the year 0. After the destruction of the world when the virus broke out. It practically made everyone turn into a Dracula combined with zombies. Well, whatever they were, they are now called 'the viculas'. The people who are still living in this world have lived long enough to know their weaknesses. They have missing bones in their neck to... [Read More]
No Hope,
GraphicVotes: -223044
26 Jan, 2015 10:59 AM
“Today was exceedingly slow. First off, waking up at 6:30, ‘who even fucking scheduled that!?’ anyways, waking up seemed to take forever. I must have slept wonderfully last night because drool was EVERYWHERE! UGH! It was like a hound dog that kept his mouth wide open all night long. Breakfast was good, though I ran out of fucking corn flakes. The cat would not shut up either. However, the rest of the time at home went pretty smooth; got dressed, left for work…blah, blah.
The ride to work was GOD awful! So much traffic and ASSHOLE drivers!! This butt-head decided that he wanted to turn in front of me. Casually, I sped up in hopes of ramming the bastard. My conscience was telling me that I should go follow this guy for a little "chit chat". Well I did. We must have driven for an hour or so. I had... [Read More]
GraphicVotes: 643638
10 Dec, 2014 07:07 AM
Years ago, in Ireland, there was a young girl named Mary Culhane. Her family was very poor and they lived in a white-washed cottage, down a country lane. She had six younger brothers and sisters and spent a lot of her time taking care of them. Her father worked as a grave digger in the local cemetery, next to the Catholic church. It was the only job he could get because he had been born with a bad leg.
One day, when her father came home, he sat down sighed. He was extremely tired after working all day.
“I can’t believe it,” he said. “I left my blackthorn walking stick back at the graveyard. If I don’t go back for it, someone will steal it. It was the last thing my poor departed father gave me before he died. I can barely walk without it.”
Mary Culhane was always a... [Read More]
Dark Creature,
GraveVotes: 320519
03 Dec, 2014 08:17 PM
It was a cold and rather bleak afternoon. The sun wasn't present nor was its’ warmth and all that you could see in the sky was clouds. I remember the school bus stopping three houses down from mine and the bus doors opening with a slight creek like that of an old wooden door in a rather aged home. I had gotten up out of my seat and grabbed my back pack with both hands which caused me to wobble a bit as I walked through the aisle of the bus toward the exit. I noticed the faces of the fellow passengers and for a second admired the differences of each individual and the unique expressions each one possessed. I usually don’t talk like that to people though for people think I over analyze or take simple things to a much further level than things ever should be brought down... [Read More]
SadnessVotes: 417467
13 Nov, 2013 02:48 PM
Whilst reading the obituaries in the local newspaper, I came across the name of an old acquaintance of mine whom I hadn't seen in a number of years. In our youth, we were the best of friends. We went through school and on to college together and were almost inseperable. That was, until a miss Helena Watt entered our lives with a certain air of confident beauty that swept both of us off of our feet. We were both besotted. She knew this and she played on it to the extent that it broke up our friendship and we lost touch. The notice said nothing of the cause of death, only that it had been sudden and that he'd be sadly missed by all who knew him. This saddened me greatly as, reading the obituary notice, many fond memories of our youthful frolics came rushing back in a flood of... [Read More]
Mystery.Votes: 214240
23 Sep, 2014 07:21 PM
Sir Alan Redants was a solidly put togheter man, with a flowing moustache and healthy brown skin obtained from years of hot sun in various deserts and jungles all over the world.
He was not easily frightened, nor did he appear to be frighteded the night he announced he was sending back the souvenir his wife had picked up from a Pharaho´s tomb on their last trip to Egypt. The momento, a piece of bone which had been fashioned into a bracelet, must go back to the tombs, he said, for it´s spirit was endangering the health of his wife, the Lady Lydia.
That night was an experience I shall never forget. Redants had invited five of us to his country home for a little dinner party to send off two of our geologist friends. Things began to happen right after Sir Alan announced that he wanted the bone returned.... [Read More]
HorrorVotes: 314800
12 Jun, 2014 10:12 PM
"Nothing but weeds, of course!" I laughed. But then again, maybe I was tempting fate for not coming during the day. After all, coyotes are most certainty proven to be real. But so far it was just me up there. All alone! The only sounds I could hear were the crinkling of dried grass under my leather dress shoes and the now almost incessant sound of me tapping my flashlight in an effort to keep it on. "Should have gotten the name brand batteries," I muttered to myself as I kept walking. By the time I felt myself to be in the middle of the field, distant lights appeared and twinkled like stars on the blackened landscape. The lights looked like they could have been from either candles or lighters. Before the lights appeared, the only other light source was a small slit of the full moon just now coming... [Read More]
HorrorVotes: 420435