28 Sep, 2015 04:06 AM
60..59..58..57..56..It's pointless. Why should all these people live? These teenagers. Of course, I'm one too, yet I feel as though I'm much more than them. Their lives mean nothing. All they do is have sex, do drugs, drink, bully. What use are they? What use am I? It's time for someone to do something about these awful people.To get rid of them. There are others like me. Others who think they should all die. They're nothing. They should all burn in hell for their sins. If we come together, we can rid the world of them all. Everyone will see what good we've done. They'll thank us. We'll be remembered.
40..39..38..37..36..It's so exciting. Here we all are, in the gym together. And once again, our school team is losing. 8 to 0. All they do is dribble the ball and shoot. So pointless. What good will that do in this... [Read More]
GraphicVotes: 135300
18 Jun, 2015 09:13 PM
“I hate the moon — I am afraid of it — for when it shines on certain scenes familiar and loved it sometimes makes them unfamiliar and hideous.”
— H.P. Lovecraft, What The Moon Brings.
Studying plant-life had long since taken hold of my attention, so I resolved to earn a degree in botany. Although I was still considered an amateur, I had my fair share of academic accomplishments; my manuscript on the characteristics of non-native plants had been the object of scholarly inquiry for months after a scientific journal had agreed to print my work. I sought more knowledge, — and more specimens as my expertise and credentials grew. Eventually, my endeavors lead me to a secluded part of land located in the French countryside. My colleagues had boasted that many rare specimens flourished in this part of the world, many undiscovered or scarcely examined. The cottage I stayed... [Read More]
DarkVotes: 315312
07 Aug, 2013 04:44 AM
Pure silence covered the whole house. You could hear your own breathing from wall to wall. And darkness was my friend. Shadows were everywhere to be seen, they chased you. All I could do was run, behind my guide. We both felt it coming, but we never said a word. From door to door there was nothing but black illusions. Tension was everywhere though, but the kind that you felt in your bones. And I for sure did not want to get caught in the act. The followers were getting near. There's no place to hide now.
She took me by the hand and quickly we moved from place to place. I could hear her mumble, but it only made me worry more. What can you say, I was a kid of four at the time. And for running in complete darkness and hearing voices from everywhere is what made... [Read More]
HurtVotes: 226872
09 Apr, 2013 07:28 PM
"My friend and I have been trapped here for as long as I dare to remember. There is no door, no window, and no light source, even though my friend and I can see perfectly well. This room, these walls, are all we have since we were taken from our homes. It's mostly a blur of images to me, but my friend, Miko, says that we were in school when it happened.
We were in art class together, talking about what we should sculpt and whom we should draw, when a loud noise pierced the air like needles, and the sky outside had gone from its sunny spring day to a dark and ominous void of black and red. The sky was flashing at a rapid pace, and a humming sound drew our attention to the window, where several shadows swirled by or glared in at us. We had gotten... [Read More]
Dark CreatureVotes: 722505
09 Mar, 2013 01:40 AM
Dark. Everything Dark. It's hard to think. It's hard to remember...
I wake up in the same room I left in. My arms bolted into the chair making me view the same scene repeatedly. Walls, bleached white with tears of yellow as if they too are trapped in this eternal place, with the low ceiling castrating their every move with it's own bolts. The voices again, the whispers of foreignness that brought me to this room with what felt like weeks ago. I tense as I hear the slow tapping of boots hitting the floor, in sync with my rapidly beating heart. Louder, closer, louder, closer, the noise of my heart almost becoming to much as sweat pours down my body. I suddenly tense as a click is sounded through the room with an almost instant crash of the door opening. A women strides in, as tall as the celling... [Read More]
StrangeVotes: 614792
22 Dec, 2012 02:51 PM
Two dorm-mates in college were in the same science class. The teacher had just reminded them about the midterm the next day when one dorm-mate - let's call her Juli - got asked to this big bash by the hottest guy in school. The other dorm-mate, Meg, had pretty much no interest in going and, being a diligent student, she took notes on what the midterm was about. After the entire period of flirting with her date, Juli was totally unprepared for her test, while Meg was completely prepared for a major study date with her books.
At the end of the day, Juli spent hours getting ready for the party while Meg started studying. Juli tried to get Meg to go, but she was insistent that she would study and pass the test. The girls were rather close and Juli didn't like leaving Meg alone to be bored while... [Read More]
DarkVotes: 715597
27 Dec, 2012 10:26 AM
As we sit here, I start to see things another way than I did before. I hope that telling you this will at least bring me some kind of peace inside. What I feel right now is only remorse and anger and it is disturbing to me. Do you understand what I mean? It really hurts inside of me, but I know that I need to get it out at some point - To start feeling whole again. I don’t want to be a prisoner in my own life again.
When I am thinking back at my life, there are a few things that scare me a lot. One of them was how I felt seeing the horror my brother was going through at a young age. He is not much younger than me and we are a lot alike in nature. All the harmony changed a lot in the... [Read More]
ScaryVotes: 2031190
20 Dec, 2012 10:04 PM
My stepmother was vile. I guess most kids think that when their father remarries. But in this case, it was true. She only married Father because he was rich, and she hated children. There were three of us – me (Marie), my middle brother Richard and my youngest brother Charles. We were the price my stepmother Gerta paid for being rich. And we were all that stood between her and inheriting Father's money when he died. So she took steps against us.
She sent my youngest brother Charles away to boarding school overseas. It had a good, scholarly reputation, but it also had the reputation for being a hard school that was full of bullies and strict discipline. Not a place where a delicate child like Charles, who had been sickly as a baby, would thrive. He was miserable there. Somehow, Gerta contrived to keep him there for all but... [Read More]
Dark Art,
DarkVotes: 1127083
19 Dec, 2012 04:55 AM
I look at my captor carefully as I can, trying not to let them know I’m awake. As I take in HIS lean frame, HE turns and sees that I’m awake on the cold, hard, metal table. I look away whimpering when HE smiles at me, it’s not the happy haha kind of smile, it’s more like haha I’m going to do so many horrible things to you and love it kind of smile.
As I look at the ceiling I see the mirror on the ceiling, and vaguely wonder what it’s there for in the back of my mind. I turn my head sharply as I hear HIM move closer to me, I catch a glimpse of what HE was doing, and what was behind HIM, and see the sharp, silver tools, and start to panic. I struggle with the bonds on my hands and feet but they're too... [Read More]
GraphicVotes: 1034676
12 Oct, 2012 04:08 AM
I want to knock someone out, cold and unconscious. Just with a hard, blunt object to the back of their skull, cracking the back just enough that some blood drips out in a steady stream spiking my senses. Then as their body limply falls to the ground making a loud thud, I look around to check no one was around then drag their unsuspecting body to my chosen place of torture. Just a small shack I found off in the woods, with no one around for miles, I can do as I please. Laying them down on a metal table I strap down their arms and legs tightly enough that the blood gets cut off. Above the victim on the ceiling is a large mirror I had hung a few hours before. This mirror is so the victim can watch their torture being played through and watch as I slowly... [Read More]
GraphicVotes: 1235355