18 Jun, 2015 09:13 PM
“I hate the moon — I am afraid of it — for when it shines on certain scenes familiar and loved it sometimes makes them unfamiliar and hideous.”
— H.P. Lovecraft, What The Moon Brings.
Studying plant-life had long since taken hold of my attention, so I resolved to earn a degree in botany. Although I was still considered an amateur, I had my fair share of academic accomplishments; my manuscript on the characteristics of non-native plants had been the object of scholarly inquiry for months after a scientific journal had agreed to print my work. I sought more knowledge, — and more specimens as my expertise and credentials grew. Eventually, my endeavors lead me to a secluded part of land located in the French countryside. My colleagues had boasted that many rare specimens flourished in this part of the world, many undiscovered or scarcely examined. The cottage I stayed... [Read More]
DarkVotes: 315335
01 May, 2013 07:10 PM
A sweet child... a sweet... innocent child, torn to shreds. This young boy is dead in a storm drain on Red grove Dr in Missy, Wisconsin. Somewhere across the street, a mother (father CRAZY!) just entered her neat, white, cookie cutter home unknowing that her precious, "little man", has slipped away, died, seen the light. A mother who didn't understand,"The Gift" (YES!)that took her son's life away. A gift that people would call, "hallucinations", but that's because people don't know (I KNOW!!!!).
The boy's name is Johnny and it was 2 hours after he was tucked into bed by his mother (I LOVE HIM TOO!!!) that screams were heard next door. The screams not only triggered phone calls to the police but also attracted the attention of everyone on their block (Red grove Dr. RED GROVE DRIVE!). All the men and woman (Most of whom were still in their night... [Read More]
MysteriousVotes: 2232914
19 Dec, 2012 04:55 AM
I look at my captor carefully as I can, trying not to let them know I’m awake. As I take in HIS lean frame, HE turns and sees that I’m awake on the cold, hard, metal table. I look away whimpering when HE smiles at me, it’s not the happy haha kind of smile, it’s more like haha I’m going to do so many horrible things to you and love it kind of smile.
As I look at the ceiling I see the mirror on the ceiling, and vaguely wonder what it’s there for in the back of my mind. I turn my head sharply as I hear HIM move closer to me, I catch a glimpse of what HE was doing, and what was behind HIM, and see the sharp, silver tools, and start to panic. I struggle with the bonds on my hands and feet but they're too... [Read More]
GraphicVotes: 1034728
11 Dec, 2012 06:38 AM
Andrea walked into the empty factory...
"Hello?" she asked quietly, uncertainly. She sat on a black bench and shivered in fear...
Rewind: The titanium factory was abandoned more than 60 years ago. It stood emptily next to the town, unused. It has never worked, and the villagers believed that the machinery was broken. Andrea was a typical teenager. Good grades, good looks, but she partied and drank and smoked every night. She even accepted stupid dares. She and her three friends were walking leisurely when one of her friends, Isaac, spoke up. "You know, there isn't actually proof that the metal shop crap is actually..dead, ya know?"
Andrea and the other two stared at him in disbelief. He continued talking. "You know, I'll pay 200 bucks for anyone who can stay in there for two hours."
The three friends scoffed. One of them, a girl named Chelsea, was arrogant and... [Read More]
Dark World,
GraphicVotes: 1626182
12 Oct, 2012 02:10 AM
I want to hurt somebody. Make someone feel how I do. The river is beautiful, my gun is loaded, my tools are cleaned, and my toy is all tied up and ready. She looks at me in fear, she can't very well scream with the gag in her mouth. So I took it out, I wanted to hear how she asked "what did I ever do to you?" and "why me?" I wanted to hear her scream. She looked at me terrified as I took out my first tool, just an ordinary pair of scissors.
She asked what I was going to do to her. I ignored her talking as it was tedious. I took the scissors and slowly moved them towards her head, she screamed when I grabbed a fist full of her hair she bragged so much about and cut it all off. I looked at her dissatisfied,... [Read More]
GraphicVotes: 927228
10 Jun, 2012 06:00 PM
There’s that sound again. Its been bothering me for sometimes now. Why is it happening? What’s the cause behind it? And why does it only happen when I am in my bed and almost at the verge of sleeping. I got up not before an hour ago. Searched the whole room that is besides my bedroom, but no, I did not find anything that could cause the sound. And the sound it self is very weird, Its almost like the sound of a cracking on the wood, but then again something is so assuring in the sound that it makes you sure that its not. I thought it might be the bed that’s causing this weird sound or should I just say noise. But the bed in the other room is quite steady so there’s no point to think that it would cause that noise.
Okay that’s it. I can’t... [Read More]
ScaryVotes: 928315