Life and its untimly End

Jack Sorenson

11 Nov, 2012 12:58 AM
I'm unsure how this came to be
Lighting will strike more than twice
the tree becomes brittle,

And the sole dies away
The roots still grow on,
Sprouting up shoots some
Were further away,

New life will rise in the sun one day
so why do you ask that I'm still here today,
Same as why the shy shines its brilliant blues
And it soft clouded of powered whites
So the sun will sets down to bed every night

It the same its time revealing its decadent nature
Learned to embrace it and learned how to cope
Cause nothing will truly die,

If you just hold on to hope
I’ll find some way to fix this grotesque pain
That’s left a wound so deep it holds no name

The darkness is calling
And will rip you apart,
So hold on to your pride
And don't let it pull you apart

Fight with your all might
And use every bit of your strength
Use what ever you know to fight it,

Away the darkness that engulfs us all
You must shine brilliantly everyday
Tags: Death, Dark, Pain, New Day, Hope


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