Showing results for tag "depression"
I'm fine - just tired
Leigha Redmond
10 Jul, 2017 04:23 AMSuffocating, she can't catch her breath Panicking, she grasping for anything to prevent this death Shrieking, she's screaming in fear She's afraid of everything that is near Alone, she's so alone but there are so many people standing in her presence But amongst them she feels like she's not in existence No one understands her depression On the outside they see a very different perception They look at her ever so lovely smile Their knees buckle at her laugh they can hear for a mile Her beauty so strong it makes others so weak Her hair, her complexion always so sleekTags: Depression, Insanity
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Votes: 12
Love is pain. ...Pain is love
29 May, 2017 05:14 PMMy life is no longer my own Controlled by forces out of my control Why did he hurt me, why did he cheat. I break down and cry... So many many tears. I yell why me, why again, please tell me All I hear is silence and the lightly blowing wind. I dream of a place high and far away A place where peace lives Where hurt cannot touch me.Tags: Depression, Suicide, Cheating
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Votes: 6
Ambrose K. Madoc
26 Apr, 2017 07:24 PMHe lurks in the shadows Hiding Waiting Hiding from me Waiting from me I sense him Anxiety signals him He is near And then he strikes It is when I am most joyous that he strikes Not a hard strikeTags: Depression, Depressed
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Votes: -1
Ambrose K. Madoc
26 Apr, 2017 06:50 PMThe clouds are heavy They weigh They darken They can't be seen, but they are felt Oh, how they are felt A weight that won't lift A darkness that won't brighten Artificial light That is THE solution That is THEIR solutionTags: Depression, Depressed
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Votes: 1
My Mind Whispers
Franchesca Mia Reves Tortoza
08 Apr, 2017 05:36 AM"You'll ruin your life if you start," My mind whispers, As my hand picks up the cutter I always bring, I pray a silent, unheard prayer, As I shut out the buzzing of spring And slice. "This is stupid! You need to stop!" My mind whispers, As I drag the blade across my arm yet again, Watching red start to stain silver, As I try not to hiss in pain.Tags: Death, Depression, Suicide, Graphic
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Votes: 12
Depressed Outcast
31 Jan, 2017 11:52 PMI walk down the hallway with music blasting in my ears but i can’t help but notice the voices all around me “Why does she do that to herself?” “Eek! She’s got tacks in her ears!” “Is that a safety pin in her mouth?” “Doesn’t that hurt?” “She’s weird!” “She’s a creep!” “A freak!” “It’s tearing her apart!”Tags: Self Harm, Selfharm, Depression, Death, Dark, Alone, Pain, Outcast, Sad, Sadness
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Votes: 5
Help Me?
02 Nov, 2016 07:47 PMBlood drips from my eyes Tears flow from my veins Strangle my feelings Hurt me I beg of you Take away my pain Don't make me live another day I live this life for you But why when I don't want to? Screams, Screams, fill my head Help Me!, they begTags: Death, Depression, Suffering
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Votes: 3
~Cloaked In Darkness~
Midnyt Ravyn
23 Jul, 2016 07:38 PMAs night falls down Through the mists The silhouette of shadows Creep through twisted trees There is a stillness in the silence I hate the way the light casts On the images of shadows as they pass The silence is shattered By the monsters in my head Listen to the whispersTags: Depression, Dark Mind
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Votes: 0
~My Mask~
Midnyt Ravyn
23 Jul, 2016 06:31 PMTried to kill the pain only brought more Running from the truth A disguise I secretly hide Behind my mask that conceals the lie Enveloped in my darkness Smothered in my demise I'm the burning embers The ashes in the fire I fall into the nothing I become Losing control coming undoneTags: Pain, Depression
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Votes: 5
Zane A. Murray
21 Jul, 2016 07:59 AMI'm not sure if I'm a human with flesh and bone, Or if I'm a ghost that killed myself when I was alone, I literally cannot tell if I'm dead or alive, Maybe I'm a cosmic vampire, taking people’s energy to survive. I've decided I am dead in some way or another, My imprint of my old self is now buried down under, Zane Murray: Requiescat in Pace, or rest in peace, Buried in mud under a silk white fleece.Tags: Depression, Ghost, Dead, Death, Suicide, Alone
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Votes: 3