Showing results for tag "Suicide"
Love is pain. ...Pain is love
29 May, 2017 05:14 PMMy life is no longer my own Controlled by forces out of my control Why did he hurt me, why did he cheat. I break down and cry... So many many tears. I yell why me, why again, please tell me All I hear is silence and the lightly blowing wind. I dream of a place high and far away A place where peace lives Where hurt cannot touch me.Tags: Depression, Suicide, Cheating
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Votes: 6
My Mind Whispers
Franchesca Mia Reves Tortoza
08 Apr, 2017 05:36 AM"You'll ruin your life if you start," My mind whispers, As my hand picks up the cutter I always bring, I pray a silent, unheard prayer, As I shut out the buzzing of spring And slice. "This is stupid! You need to stop!" My mind whispers, As I drag the blade across my arm yet again, Watching red start to stain silver, As I try not to hiss in pain.Tags: Death, Depression, Suicide, Graphic
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Votes: 12
Zane A. Murray
21 Jul, 2016 07:59 AMI'm not sure if I'm a human with flesh and bone, Or if I'm a ghost that killed myself when I was alone, I literally cannot tell if I'm dead or alive, Maybe I'm a cosmic vampire, taking people’s energy to survive. I've decided I am dead in some way or another, My imprint of my old self is now buried down under, Zane Murray: Requiescat in Pace, or rest in peace, Buried in mud under a silk white fleece.Tags: Depression, Ghost, Dead, Death, Suicide, Alone
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Votes: 3
Petals Off A Tree
14 Apr, 2016 08:59 PMWatch me bleed out until there is nothing left inside of me. A flood pours out and the blood beings to seethe. There is no turning back, you know what you've done to me My bleeding out, is that what sets you free? If so, then I have a job for you- Under the hanging tree. They're coming for you, and they will catch you one day you'll see. Feeding off our body, your a monster who disgusts me. Blood slips onto the roots, boiling underneath. Now an endless hell awaits you, as far as the eye can see.Tags: Suicide, Cutting, Hell, Death, Dying, Blood, Sad
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Votes: 6
Never Good Enough
01 Apr, 2016 03:53 AMEveryone says that if you try hard enough You have a chance of making it, Well these people are very lucky then Because for me I’m just a misfit. You try and you do your best But don’t reach your goal, There’s no point in trying So I’ll just go hide in a hole. When you don’t make it People give you pity,Tags: Depression, Suicide, Cutting
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Votes: 11
I dream of the night.
The Boy With A Gas Mask
01 Apr, 2016 06:07 PMI dream of the night, And try to block out my fright. I can't fight this much longer. My craving for the blade is stronger. I have lost my honor. I must be a goner. My eyes flood with a tear. I am afraid my time is near, my dear. I take this knife, To take my life. For one last slip with one last slit will be my end, I thank you always for being my friend.Tags: Death, Suicide, Suicide Note, Cutting
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Votes: 12
Tear Me Up
Zane A. Murray
07 Jan, 2016 05:37 PMWhat kind of paradise am I looking for, When I’m rich in love, and wealth I am poor, I have all that I need here in my world, But I act like I live in the Underworld. My mind is so fucking empty, But I remain to be one of the friendly, Acting as if there is nothing wrong, But, really my arms are my way to play this sad song. Hurry up and tear me up, I’m slowly waiting for death….yup,Tags: Suicide, Depression, Selfharm
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Votes: 1
Drips & Slips
Zane A. Murray
05 Jan, 2016 05:11 AMDrip drip, Slip, slip. Drip drip, Slip, slip. Drip drip, Slip, slip. Blood goes drip, drip, Razor goes slip, slip, Down the white tunnel, I make a trip, trip. Show me your drips and slips,Tags: Cutting, Self Harm, Suicide, Depression
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Votes: 8
The Island
Kerry Valkyrie Baldock Kelly
17 Jun, 2015 01:55 PMAir rushes past my face as the iron bird disappears, visual panorama, Of sapphire, emerald and gold the dream of a life we once did behold. My hand clutches the cord. Fear forces my grip, As the world rushes beneath me, Memories do mar and excruciatingly strip. Last year we did here meet, across the vast azure sea, And under the shade of the imported palm trees. We did lie on the sand and bathe in the deep, Warm sea breezes and the children at our feet.Tags: Depression, Suicide, Sadness, Love
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Votes: -2
Red blue gray
28 May, 2015 08:06 PMthis room has only three colors red blue gray this blade only cuts three things wrist eyes soul the angel is knocking herself to the window her wings left gray shades she is laughing i flow the first river my memory is still hangingTags: Death, Alone, Dead, Suicide, Suicidal, Pain, Psycho, Hell
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Votes: 3