Showing results for tag "selfharm"
Depressed Outcast
31 Jan, 2017 11:52 PMI walk down the hallway with music blasting in my ears but i can’t help but notice the voices all around me “Why does she do that to herself?” “Eek! She’s got tacks in her ears!” “Is that a safety pin in her mouth?” “Doesn’t that hurt?” “She’s weird!” “She’s a creep!” “A freak!” “It’s tearing her apart!”Tags: Self Harm, Selfharm, Depression, Death, Dark, Alone, Pain, Outcast, Sad, Sadness
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Votes: 5
Cold Heart/Bloody Palms
Lance Barnwell
10 Feb, 2016 03:20 PMHow cold is the heart that's as brittle as glass Shattering to shards on the cusp of your grasp And those shards are the razors that you grind in your hands For in the ecstasy of pain only you'll understand Feeding the fire to obliterate those dubious charms The glass cannot glisten drenched in the blood from your palms Can you not shed a tear, are you misunderstood? Or are you purging the sorrow with your own vapid blood? Lazily leaking from each jagged rip Depleting your reasoning with each languid dripTags: Horror, Selfharm, Despair, Insanity
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Votes: 3
Tear Me Up
Zane A. Murray
07 Jan, 2016 05:37 PMWhat kind of paradise am I looking for, When I’m rich in love, and wealth I am poor, I have all that I need here in my world, But I act like I live in the Underworld. My mind is so fucking empty, But I remain to be one of the friendly, Acting as if there is nothing wrong, But, really my arms are my way to play this sad song. Hurry up and tear me up, I’m slowly waiting for death….yup,Tags: Suicide, Depression, Selfharm
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Votes: 1
Blood Is Dripping
08 Apr, 2015 01:21 PMBlood is dripping from my thigh I'm thinking of ways to say good bye Blood is dripping from my waist All my pain can't be erased Blood is dripping from my hand You are not my biggest fan Blood is dripping from my wrist I am wishing that I didn't existTags: Selfharm, Suicide, Blood, Graphic
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Votes: 5
Hate life, Hate me.
16 Jun, 2014 07:13 AMGod I hate life, God I hate me, I just wish there was more, more to see, Than the blackened remains, Of my burned-out soul, Or the bleeding love, That my heart controls,Tags: Fear, Pain, Misery, Abuse, Hate, Suicide, Sad, Suffering, Selfharm, Sorrow
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Votes: 1
Sammie Brown
24 Feb, 2014 09:08 AMI won’t eat I will starve I won’t talk but listen I will cut but I won’t let the pain show I will wear black to hind it I won’t make fuss of my crying I will hind my tears I won’t let them know of my pain I will let then hurt me but I won’t let them in I will stand aloneTags: Pain, Crying, Cutting, Tears, Hurt, Depression, Suicide, Suffering, Alone, Selfharm
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Votes: 5
20 Jan, 2014 03:55 PMblod drops are fealing the flor, and so is the blade, cous i can not feel the power in my hand any more. all i can think about is you, the suffer you cost the pain theat the lust spread over my vains. but i san not hate you. your beautifull hair, your adorable lips,Tags: Selfharm, Suicide, Suffering, Love, Scary, Sad
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Votes: 2
19 Dec, 2013 12:30 PMWhen night falls the suns last rays are too soon forgotten and the temperature drops just like my heartbeat Smiles quickly turn into tears unspoken words and broken promises the streets are almost as empty as I am Try to drown out everything but the sound of the rain loneliness is my only real best friend my thoughts are darker than the night skyTags: Selfharm, Death, Suicide, Blood, Darkness, Cutting, Hurt, Alone
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Votes: 12
My Story
Your Worst Nightmare
26 Feb, 2013 09:44 PMI thought I'd bring a poem To explain my pain To show my emotions To let it bleed Bleed like my arms did Bleed like my heart did Bleed like my self made scars Bleed like my mind, which is just too tired to die For a long time nowTags: Depression, Dark Thought, Sorrow, Suffering, Scar, Selfharm
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Votes: 16
Suicide is the answer
24 Oct, 2012 10:22 PMDeath is horror, A living nightmare, No one wants to hear, People dying,Everyone is crying, There's sadness in the air, Life is hell,Today I know,Want I did was wrong, I killed my love with no care, So I am sorry for you now, Suicide is the answer to end all hope for me, So maybe then you'll see we are not meant to be,Tags: Death, Suicide, Darkness, Selfharm, Hopeless
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Votes: 4