Showing results for tag "hate"
Mario Vitale
07 Jun, 2017 03:20 AMCemetary Dark fixed at night to fright in deep consciousness flight Gone in desperation quick fix to hide inside pain In heated pleasure silenced to a slow pitch Slowly In fetters sought with creatures among lines drawn in features Cemetary Dark in dusk who do we trust Blackened stench in negate trenchTags: Hate, Fake, Darkness
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Votes: 3
Gothic Darkness
Mario Vitale
07 Jun, 2017 03:16 AMPillars in light fashionable decorum sets the standard Those high rise structures with heavenly interior The holy oblation lead to the ultimate construction In matters of trust we can maintain a humane aura A heart that devised the good of humanities stake & claim An old lady named Grier used to live in it's dwelling A structure well kept yet needs a fix up with the plumbing Grier used to frequent her yard with it's barbed wire fence Tragedy had claimed her late husband's life that left her alone She carries on with a smile in her lone desolation A mere place for rest like a long awaited vacation With sincere love in her heart she would often singTags: Hate, Hurt, Darkness
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Votes: 2
Mario Vitale
07 Jun, 2017 02:04 AMA heart can bleed an evil deed Yet in nature lie dormant after the fall A return to fear after all The climatic edge toward their own demise Still a word to the wise Cursed A sin will always find you out This ought to give the sinner something to bitch & pout To light a flame in shouts of anguish after the fallTags: Minds, Evil, Hate
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Votes: 1
Cancer in the Heart
13 Oct, 2016 07:48 AMRotten like the sheep flesh being stewed, Disgusting as maggots eating thy flesh, Ugly like the cancer in my heart, Why such creature exists in this Earth? The reminder of the sin you committed, The hate you have shown upon me, I am the "thing" you hold depraved and unwanted. Grown and nurtured into a pot of wrath,Tags: Evil, Revenge, Dark Soul, Dark Love, Broken, Betrayal, Hate, Hurt, Horror, Hopeless
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Votes: 3
The Bitter Kiss
14 Apr, 2016 02:43 AMI hate it I hate that I kissed him I hate that I liked it I hate how I wanted my lips to belong to him… I thought he loved me I thought I loved him I didn’t want him to leave I thought I was his If I noticed the signs The signs that I missed We would have never…Tags: Bitter, Dark, Scared, Cold, Hate, Hatred, Addiction
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Votes: 4
The Neverending.
Pride Ed
08 Jan, 2015 09:17 PMI find you rattling my cage at midnight; bones exposed, rapping on the iron bars that trap the clandestine, and the lucifugous. The beatings were nonstop, almost profuse in nature with invectives that I’ve howled at the moon (like scared children in rags, we howled at the moon), and the cold stars wept salted tears that feltTags: Pain, Dark, Sadness, Anger, Hate, Death
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Votes: 0
Monster inside of me
Dead Empty Soul
24 Sep, 2014 11:33 AMI fall to my knees, Blood streaming down my face A world full of lies Friends that left to hide Am I just a monster? A psychopath sent from hell My head is full of hate And soon my sanity will break Your blood is on my handsTags: Hate, Dark, Psycho, Psychopath, Death, Monster, Sanity, Insane
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Votes: 12
a memory I hate...
16 Jun, 2014 07:53 AMAs I stare at myself, through shattered glass, crimson tears, shine bold as brass, Dripping slowly, from my blood-stained hand, as I slowly fall, fall and land, Someone release me, from the bowels of hell,Tags: Depression, Dark, Alone, Sad, Suffering, Abuse, Fear, Hurt, Hate
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Votes: 5
Hate life, Hate me.
16 Jun, 2014 07:13 AMGod I hate life, God I hate me, I just wish there was more, more to see, Than the blackened remains, Of my burned-out soul, Or the bleeding love, That my heart controls,Tags: Fear, Pain, Misery, Abuse, Hate, Suicide, Sad, Suffering, Selfharm, Sorrow
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Votes: 1
Through Her Skin.
Pride Ed
27 May, 2014 07:48 PMIn haughty, yet elegant tone, I say to you "do this to me," and I point at the arabesque vines in the courtyard. Found in jovial play, the knife you gave my body with the wilted roses from your hands. Hands that pilfer! Hands that shake as they cut into me. Forever of redolence; the thorns in my side, and your blue eyes, so lustful, they still rip into me.Tags: Love, Hate, Death, Pain, Murder
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Votes: 4