Showing results for tag "pain"
Depressed Outcast
31 Jan, 2017 11:52 PMI walk down the hallway with music blasting in my ears but i can’t help but notice the voices all around me “Why does she do that to herself?” “Eek! She’s got tacks in her ears!” “Is that a safety pin in her mouth?” “Doesn’t that hurt?” “She’s weird!” “She’s a creep!” “A freak!” “It’s tearing her apart!”Tags: Self Harm, Selfharm, Depression, Death, Dark, Alone, Pain, Outcast, Sad, Sadness
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Votes: 5
Darkness to Cannibalism
Hayley Turner
09 Oct, 2016 12:26 AMBlood and gore What a score But wait...there's more The darkness seeks you It wants to eat you It wants to have you whole. Blood and gore What a score But wait...there's more A cannibal's den You must dine inTags: Death, Murder, Pain, Psychopath, Insanity, Torture
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Votes: 7
~My Mask~
Midnyt Ravyn
23 Jul, 2016 06:31 PMTried to kill the pain only brought more Running from the truth A disguise I secretly hide Behind my mask that conceals the lie Enveloped in my darkness Smothered in my demise I'm the burning embers The ashes in the fire I fall into the nothing I become Losing control coming undoneTags: Pain, Depression
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Votes: 5
This pain in me
20 Jun, 2016 04:55 PMI have no release to This pain in me Constantly being bullied Your always disjointed in me Your the cause of This pain in me Trying to get u To see me you just toss me aside This pain in meTags: Pain, Dark
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Votes: 2
Love and Pain
Zane A. Murray
01 Feb, 2016 06:02 PMFor all the pain that I am to feel, I will always be able to heal, But because of my love for you, There really isn’t any healing to do. My heart was yours, saved in a locked box, Held tight and you wound its gears like a clock’s, But because of your choice to go, it has left pain, And I won’t get the chance again to kiss you everyday. I can hardly breathe, my chest is so weighted, I took my heart back, only to have it plated,Tags: Love, Numb, Pain
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Votes: 4
We Lied
Ms. hellspawn
19 Dec, 2015 01:55 AMwe smile at each other and he takes my hand and i young and innocent let him take my hand and everything i have we smile at each other and he takes my innocence and i young and in love let him take everything i haveTags: Pain, Peace, Lies, Hopeless
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Votes: 4
Hatred's breed
Isaiah Smith
19 Oct, 2015 07:49 AMYou think justice always prevails and i laugh at your false hope Laughing at me, taunting me slowly eradicates the innocent one within The one your killing dissolves into despair, the beast’s face appears You have destroyed your chance of all salvation as vengeance consumes me I am an instrument of destruction, fathered by hate, bred of pure evil The creature reincarnated from all of the pain within past generations I am the monster created by your own ignorance or so it seems I will pervert purity and watch your psyche break from the inside As your guilty conscience questions itself and betrays your morals Am i a figment of your imagination or are you the villain of my demise?Tags: Hatred, Killing, Dark Thought, Torture, Pain, Graphic
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Votes: 0
Callisto's Lament.
Pride Ed
18 Jun, 2015 07:21 PMReflected upon the baleful ravages of thy skin, Who hath seen much more than the skin of thy kin. Behold the expansive silence; scarred arms held outward, Touching the dying energies of stars long since devoured! “I’ve yearned to perish too like their extinguished pyres, But I’m doomed to die here as a frozen tomb. Eons upon eons pass betwixt cataclysmic fires As my insides slowly became a barren womb.” Drained by impatience and ceaseless woe, Thy seldom wondered whence the soul may go.Tags: Sad, Pain, Mythology, Moon, Dark
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Votes: 1
Red blue gray
28 May, 2015 08:06 PMthis room has only three colors red blue gray this blade only cuts three things wrist eyes soul the angel is knocking herself to the window her wings left gray shades she is laughing i flow the first river my memory is still hangingTags: Death, Alone, Dead, Suicide, Suicidal, Pain, Psycho, Hell
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Votes: 3
The Death in Me.
Pride Ed
23 Feb, 2015 12:53 AMI've laid faced-down for so long; my heart is asleep. It thumps like static through my atretic cavities. It contorts as my lungs try to scream it awake. Each breath prolongs the eventual decay of my diaphragm, even as my insides already float in it's own purulence.Tags: Death, Heartache, Pain, Decay, Dark
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Votes: 2