Showing results for tag "insane"
Unworthy School
Brandon Crooms
11 Apr, 2016 04:03 AM-Sitting in the back of a deserted classroom, Bones scatter the floor, and the walls are pealing like... like burnt flesh ripping from the skull. -All of the lights are broken, the glass sparkles against the ground The air smells of freshly cut grass on a Saturday morning. -Walking in the hallway, Blood stains the white polished floors, rusted and broken lockers against the walls. -The light rods are swinging, creaking in the darkTags: Horror, Pshyco, Intense, Insane, Graphic
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Votes: 2
Dead Empty Soul
04 Jan, 2015 10:10 AMI'm sitting in this empty room All I can hear is screaming souls Souls of madness but not like me I can see their innocence But a monster like me That no one can see And what I have become, What I have done to some Someone like me That no one can see A psychopath in the darkTags: Dark, Darkness, Killer, Psycho, Psychopath, Sociopath, Insane
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Votes: 6
Silent Hill
Dead Empty Soul
08 Nov, 2014 10:39 AMThe bell who tolls only for the dead, A reminder of our curse The nightmare set like chains onto our souls Sirens who are off in the distance, the dark that always comes A woman dressed in black, The darkness cannot hurt her Can you hear the silent tears, can you see the silent cries Do not trust the damned, Death is at their feetTags: Insane, Darkness, Dark, Death
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Votes: 0
Monster inside of me
Dead Empty Soul
24 Sep, 2014 11:33 AMI fall to my knees, Blood streaming down my face A world full of lies Friends that left to hide Am I just a monster? A psychopath sent from hell My head is full of hate And soon my sanity will break Your blood is on my handsTags: Hate, Dark, Psycho, Psychopath, Death, Monster, Sanity, Insane
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Votes: 12
crunch Goes Their Skull
Andrew Smailes
04 Apr, 2014 03:40 PM(to the sound of pop goes the weasel) Chase them round the town at night. Their presence seems revolting. Break their ankles with a hammer. Then cave their skulls in. Drag the body back down the road. Avoiding other people. If someone happens to see you though. Then pop goes that weasel. You may ask, what's the point?Tags: Insane, Creepy, Killing, Dark
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Votes: 0