Showing results for tag "ghost"
Death to the grave
J Jackson
23 May, 2017 10:07 PMI want to burn all the heavens just so i have a place that feels like home I would tear the wings from an angels back if means that she would not roam I would break your pretty little halo so you couldnt see by its light In darkness we will live forever its the only place where things feel right Tonight i wont burn my bridges Ill salt them so my demons cant cross Ill paint signs with blood in the midnight sky to remember all that iv lost A battle wages within me tho from the outside no one would knowTags: Ghost, Demon
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Votes: 3
Zane A. Murray
21 Jul, 2016 07:59 AMI'm not sure if I'm a human with flesh and bone, Or if I'm a ghost that killed myself when I was alone, I literally cannot tell if I'm dead or alive, Maybe I'm a cosmic vampire, taking people’s energy to survive. I've decided I am dead in some way or another, My imprint of my old self is now buried down under, Zane Murray: Requiescat in Pace, or rest in peace, Buried in mud under a silk white fleece.Tags: Depression, Ghost, Dead, Death, Suicide, Alone
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Votes: 3
Stone Wall
Kerry Valkyrie Baldock Kelly
17 Jun, 2015 02:04 PMStuck, encassed in the monastery, A ghost of years gone by, Contemplative life of silence, by choice, Prayer inside stone walls. Arches leading to flourishing vegetable gardens, Toiling daily. Early morning chanting, Simple meals, Itchy sack cloth. Riders came for King and country, came stole and destroyed,Tags: Ghost, Death, Murder, Monastery, Graphic
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Votes: 1
Time does not heal
Kerry Valkyrie Baldock Kelly
28 May, 2015 10:31 PMPale skin, thinning body, balding head. Saying goodbye requires scrubs. Standing at the door to the ward I wait, Until the perpetually rocking door swings open. He steps through gracefully. His teenage skin strangely glowing, Complementing dark brown eyes and his wonderful head of black hair. We embrace. Tears well in my eyes. He smiles and whispers, 'Your sister has had a son.' I feel confused until he adds,Tags: Ghost, Death, Sadness
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Votes: 1
John Gray
04 Apr, 2014 11:55 PMYou are not human; you are a poltergeist trapped in a meat suit. Tea leave salves, moonlight strolls, these calm your restless spirit. You possess a skeleton but you are not made of bones. Cartilage fades without you, flesh slips away, blood solidifies a corpse.Tags: Poltergeist, Ghost, Death, Corpse
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Votes: 3
Ally Randall
18 Oct, 2013 11:01 PMDarkness fills the chamber, Cold and lonesome she stands, Dreading the thing that will come and maim her, Her thoughts cease to end Forgotten shadows linger, Drowned cries scream in terror, They don't want it to ring her, Forced to follow what it favors A presence arrives, Dagger at it's side,Tags: Dead, Freaky, Ghost, Demon, Evil, Death, Dark, Alone, Pain, Possession, Demonic, Emo, Goth, Sad, Suicidal, Scary
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Votes: 6
Dance With Me
Xyla Baites
30 Jul, 2013 06:49 AM"La-di-da, La-di-da" Her voice taunts me in the night. "Come sing, come sing" She teases in the day. "Twirl with me, twirl with me" Her broken mind exclaims. "Spare me, oh spare me" She whispers in my ear.Tags: Ghost, Dancing, Possession, Evil, Dark Creature
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Votes: 6
They call me Crazy
Hannah Maloney
07 Dec, 2012 02:11 AMThey call me crazy They call me I'll They whisper and stare and make me shrill I am not crazy I am sane I know the truth I will not be blamed I saw her death horrible and cruelTags: Murder, Crazy, Ghost, Death, Lost
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Votes: 3
Happy Halloween, to C.B. Hannegan's
Jack Sorenson
11 Nov, 2012 12:55 AMHappy Halloween, to C.B. Hannegan's By Author Jack Sorenson The ghost in the garden, crept into, Cb’s one day They like what they saw, and smelled from the kitchen cooking, So they stayed for the night, on old Hollows eve Cracks twigs, as the ghost, treads no more further On the outside, in the cold, Lighted, by the full moon, now encased, by fantasy lightingTags: Ghost, Night, Dark, Moonlight, Alone, Darkness
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Votes: 63