A solution


05 Jun, 2014 03:53 PM
There are people who have lost their faith in humanity, but I have a solution
and perhaps we can aid a mistake in need of absolution.
If we sever the tongue then they cannot spread lies
in a world filled with hatred where hope dies.

Would removing the eyelids aid their vision 
to see the politicians that coax them into submission?
They listen to music without meaning to drown out the cries of the suffering
and would rather dismiss the shrieks as nothing

We must hammer nails through each eardrum 
and we shall be closer to solving humanity's conundrum.
They care little for the prevention of a world's demise
but are in favor of what building they will devise.

To bear witness to humanity's vanity is quite sickening
but amusing when we see that the pace of their demise is quickening.
If this solution should fail--
I wonder how long will it be before our skin turns pale.
Tags: Dark, Humanity


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Pride Ed says:
15 Jun, 2014 06:48 AM

Oh, how delicious is the dark satire here!
A nice sing-song touch with the rhyming as well.

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