Showing results for tag "dark thought"

"elusiveness is not a sin;its a virtue"


"The lyrics of ones heart simply cannot be put into the words of a story"


You Can't Push It Underground
You Can't Stop It Screaming Out
How Did It Come To This?
Our Time Is Running Out.


Live to forget today and plan to have no tomorrow

- Noah Wiley
Submitted By: Noah Tags: Dark, Life, Dark Thought

I see the world getting darker every time I see the light of faith slowly fading away letting the corruption grow.

Tags: Dark Thought

"What I realized is, that most people are willing to sacrifice their morality just to divorce from reality."


The night groaned with cold The garden lights flickered nervously In their light the falling snow was dead white before the darkness ate it up.

- snow white darkness

Had I known I was dead already I would have mourned my loss of life.

- Josh Silver, Type O Negative
Submitted By: D.J. Tags: Dark Thought, Dark Mind

But paradise is locked and bolted...
We must make a journey around the world to see if a back door has perhaps been left open.

- Heinrich von Kleist
Submitted By: Violet Tags: Journey, Paradise, Locked, Dark Thought, Heaven, Hell

Been away so long I almost forgot I existed

Tags: Dark Thought