Showing results for tag "dark"

Why are we afraid of the dark? Darkness is natural but light needs energy. If the sun was not made of fire, we'd be in total darkness.


God made man in his image. Flawed and imperfect. Then, man made God in his image.


To save the world one must be willing to destroy it.

- Corvus
Submitted By: Corvus Tags: Dark

Every closed doors aren't meant to be opened. You better be ready to face what's behind..before knocking.!!

Tags: Evil, Dark

Tea and Revenge. That is all.

- Emilie Autumn

Every time I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise.


"We enjoy the night, the darkness, where we can do things that aren't acceptable in the light. Night is when we slake our thirst."

- William Hill
Submitted By: Don Tags: Night, Dark, Sin, Dark Mind

We all want perfect lives, we never want to be alone
But sometimes life gets so lonely, we turn to people unknown
Desperate for affection, we accept what is shown
We fall into a pattern, we follow the norms
Until we become a mere quantity, a mass-produced clone

Tags: Life, Dark, Loneliness

I am drowning in the deep dark depths of death and despair.


always choose the darkness,light always needs a source of is anywhere,everywhere,always conquering.......
and mainly light may fade away in due time but darkness is forever..
