Stars, hide your fires;
Let not light see my black and deep desires.

- William Shakespeare
Submitted By: arya Tags: Darkness

I used to have so many heroes and superheroes but they all failed me. I realized I can be my own hero, I am my own superhero. I've been fighting my own demons my entire life and most of the time I've won.


When you light a candle, you also cast a shadow.

- Ursula K. Le Guin
Submitted By: arya Tags: Darkness, Shadows

Darkness, lurks in every corner and never goes away. Light, well it can come and go. For however long you live, you'll have darkness follow you. But light will just leave.

Tags: Light, Darkness

Why are you afraid of me. I have only wanted to protect you. Keep you from making those decisions that have left your a broken man but instead you reject me. Just think how much easier life would be if you would have let me, all those wasted moments, all the wasted time and for what. You're broken now and I am slipping through the cracks. In return I will show you the same kindness you have shown me but only after you watch what you love die.

Tags: Dark, Murder

The closer you are to the light, the bigger your shadows are.

- Chad M. Lagiza
Submitted By: Chad M. Lagiza Tags: Darkness, Light, Irony

We all want perfect lives, we never want to be alone
But sometimes life gets so lonely, we turn to people unknown
Desperate for affection, we accept what is shown
We fall into a pattern, we follow the norms
Until we become a mere quantity, a mass-produced clone

Tags: Life, Dark, Loneliness

i may look happy but honestly dear the only way i will really smile is if you cut my ear to ear.

- bring my the horizon
Submitted By: arya Tags: Dark, Scary, Blood, Creepy

Here I am at a cross road in my life. One path leads to light the other to the dark. which one do I take? Do I take the path that is the light or do I take the path of darkness? My heart tells me go for the light, but my mind says otherwise. Do I dare take the path that will lead me into the darkness not knowing what's in store for me? Should I go for the lighted path so I can see what's coming at me? I just might take the dark path just so I don't have to see what's coming at me.


My dark side doesn't come from without, it comes from within. Don't dig too much, it knows no name.

- Wendy L. M.
Submitted By: Chad M. Lagiza Tags: Dark, Darkness