Showing results for tag "Dark"

Every time I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise.


The darkness guides me through the pain, the light just emphasizes it.


Light Always Needs A Source Of Energy, Darkness Does Not Need A Source Of Energy. Therefore, Darkness Will Always Beat Light. One Day When Light Dissapears The Darkness Will Prevail.


Pitied souls shall be trampled by the death tolls of hell. For life in it's certainty is all an illusion bleak from the human mind. The path you've chosen to take, never leads you into a world of happiness, but into a dark void of despair that you cannot relapse back into reality. Arrogance and foolishness only leads you too far from the path that darkens your fate into a cold abyss but keeping a silent mind will leave you in a perpetual doom.

- Dexter Wyvern

Humans are cruel and everyone has darkness in their hearts that lead to bad things to happen, some more than others.


People say they wish there was no "evil". That is like a child saying she wishes there was no darkness. Without good to be compared to something (evil) it becomes an empty word with no true meaning. Just as if there is no darkness to compare light to, light looses it's meaning. When they say they wish there was no "evil" or darkness, do they know that they;re also saying that they wish there was no "good" or light?


Friends are like glitter filled balloons, if you pump them full of air, then stab them they explode everywhere... The question is witch is harder to clean up?


The fear of insanity or what we would become if we embraced it is what keeps us sane, therefore being sane is in itself insanity. All of us have madness and insanity inside us; Some deeper than others. However, no matter what the would be no light without dark. Just as there would be no dark without light.


There are those who are afraid of the dark, not just because its dark, but because of whats inside the darkness.


"..come take my hand, I'll walk you through the path of doom, from which you may never return..the path of the forsaken..yes you come to die with me!"
