The Devil Debate


12 Jan, 2014 11:48 AM
Could all be forgotten, 
the ill schism nurtured when two thirds of divinity's creatures at one third disdained. 
Therefore the choice. 
Fearful tread upon fiery stones 
beneath divinity's throne of suffer your fate, 
an underword alcatraz or so they say. 

If so, then where lies the choice by the way?
And why do we always blame the devil 
just to find our own faith? 

We all are dead to things we know not of, 
or too blind to understand. 
The solemn hypnotic like puppets 
at the mercy of the master puppet's hand. 
Seraphic intellect and creaturistic instinct banned. 
Two forces of enmity within to seize
and throw the doubts of man. 
Dare we question,
who be the enemy and who freely reigns.
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