Showing results for tag "darkness"

Muted Witness

Kerry Valkyrie Baldock Kelly

17 Jun, 2015 01:58 PM
The guilt rips the remains of my rotten soul,
A dishevelled wretch tormented, bleeding with guilt,
Unable to look at our mother for shame.

I am not the culprit who extinguished you but she is kin,
Her action has muted my tongue forever,
Lest the matter destroy further the remnants of our home!

I beg and pray to God that this were a dream,
And I would wake confused and disorientated but free,
Knowing that my sibling lived warmed with the life’s blood.
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Tags: Murder, Depression, Sadness, Darkness, Insects
Votes: 2

Death Shall Come


23 Dec, 2014 11:11 PM
Death shall come
And take me away.
Leaving where he is from,
To tell me I’m done with my play.

He’ll pick me up
As I say goodbye.
He flies up,
As I prepare to die.

This isn't fun,
As we fly around.
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Tags: Fear, Death, Darkness, Emo
Votes: 3



10 Jul, 2016 06:01 PM
Fading from withered leaves,
the silence lulls on.
And in that silence, the dormouse sleeps
caressing her dreams from beyond.

Lachrymose behind her closed eyelids
cascades her cheeks sadly,
but she watches the silhouettes of sailing ships
with magic from her loveless fairies.

Decadence embraces her quiet voice,
her throat writhing in agony.
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Tags: Darkness, Alone, Silence, Sins, Sadness
Votes: 0

The Darkest Side - Darkpalm21


23 Jul, 2014 01:15 AM
Over my deepest flesh 
There is something I hide behind my smile 
Ever since my sufferings started...

At First its too hard to pretend 
that everything's alright and I taught that
if I can't manage to keep these thing inside
everything will be remain miserable...

My faith,hope,love or even everything I own 
will eventually void by these thing and
turn everything in to guilt and hatred
[Read More]
Tags: Revenged, Pain, Darkness, Hatred, Suffering
Votes: 3

The Duchess of Hell

Pride Ed

31 Oct, 2014 01:35 PM
She’s mentioned in plays and operas;
Disgraced human dramas and arias!
Decaying disciples chanting last rites
Before she smites thee with all of her might!
Sung text by dead scholars, so vague is her name;
Dark choir still chants “Patron Saint of Pain!
Give us your hate, thy mote it be!
Praise dear Sister of Misery!”   

She was defiled in nameless hours of moonlight,
And wept at cold altar on a cold on All Hallows’ Eve Night.
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Tags: Darkness, Hell, Death, Revenge
Votes: 1

Black Angels

Austin Jones

07 Oct, 2014 12:51 AM
The angels that come to take me
as I slip away into darkness 
I know what is coming
how they will treat my soul
their evil eyes
their black wings
I am not afraid

we are all born to die
we are all alone in the end
This is the one truth in the world
and so they take me
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Tags: Death, Hell, Darkness, Angel, Torture
Votes: 2



20 Jul, 2016 12:39 PM
I lay in fields of dying
flowers, perhaps leaves,
maybe even a sea of 
black feathers circling
around me. The cold
autumn winds violently
push me further and
further away from

my governess

who was frantically
[Read More]
Tags: Darkness, Depression, Demon, Sin, Nightmare
Votes: 0


Zane A. Murray

19 May, 2016 09:14 PM
Tartarus, the eternal pit, full of fire and smoke,
Where the beast of the pit walks his ways, in his infinite black cloak,
He walks with a sturdy step, along the dust and bones of the righteous dead,
And along the rivers of blood that runs with the color red.

His name is Satan, Ruler of the Earth, King of the World, in his abode,
With the darkened of skies that linger with thunder, along with a birds that had crowed,
No one dies here in this realm, only does the Lord of Darkness die into rest here,
And only shall he be indestructible from the fire and the cries of fear.

As he walks in the darkness, with the smell of rotten meat and skin,
He scratches his legs and arms, and runs the hand through the hair on his chin,
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Tags: Hell, Darkness, Death, Devil
Votes: 2

The Attraction of the end


02 Apr, 2014 02:11 AM
The trickle of blood can be so intriguing.
Just as bullets can enchant a weakened mind.
They can pull at the heartstrings or create butterflies in your stomach.
Even scramble your mind, preventing you from speaking.

To a weak mind, even the simplest of ropes can look so comforting.
Your stomach drops as you feel like your falling through space.
You stand so high and in an instant your feet are almost on the floor.
And you look down to see your thoughts leave you and your floating through darkness.

Many find the view a top a building or cliff to be picturesque.
They stand and spread their arms, breathing in deeply, ready to take just one step.
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Tags: Suicide, Darkness, Weapons, Death
Votes: 7

Story and dance of the Demon Master

Rochelle Poet

04 Sep, 2014 10:02 AM
Beyond the damp dingy sewers and into the underground,
where the earthworms burrow and termites bite,
I creep within the soils, into the mud,
below the trails of decaying rotting human flesh,
in search of a satisfying delightful treat.

For I spend much of my time,
hidden into the earth's darkness,
in search of souls that bring me 
short-lived happy orgasmic thrills.
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Tags: Death, Darkness, Demon, Blood
Votes: 2