Showing results for tag "darkness"
A Black Bird
07 Jan, 2016 04:09 PMI dream of a bird. A black bird. That's what i am. A black bird whose wings are broken. Who the other birds have lost faith in because i cannot fly. The sky has harden. I flap my wings and soar. It hurts so bad. It hurts to be free. I cannot take it anymore. I scream.Tags: Depression, Death, Fear, Darkness, Blood
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Votes: 8
Darkness hides him as the shadows
Jack Sorenson
06 Nov, 2014 02:30 AMWhy do the dead watch over us? What is the point, faceless Evil will find us At our weakest moments, in our life Hints come silently by hidden voices Creeps slowly, down our necks, like a nest Of spider eggs, fell into our shirt color, Evil temps us only thou, spoken only in whispers That you can here softly spoken, From Darkness' voice only called to you From the shadows, and from the haven aboveTags: Darkness
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Votes: 7
Demon in me
Adrian Marx
17 Jul, 2014 06:36 AMI got this feeling deep inside, Not sadness or hatred not even pride, A blank spot on a map, Where something use to be, Every time I think about it, My head begins to hurt, My eyes fill with tears, These are the silent screams that nobody hears, Clutching my pillow tightly, I let it all out again,Tags: Demon, Depression, Darkness
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Votes: 7
The Attraction of the end
02 Apr, 2014 02:11 AMThe trickle of blood can be so intriguing. Just as bullets can enchant a weakened mind. They can pull at the heartstrings or create butterflies in your stomach. Even scramble your mind, preventing you from speaking. To a weak mind, even the simplest of ropes can look so comforting. Your stomach drops as you feel like your falling through space. You stand so high and in an instant your feet are almost on the floor. And you look down to see your thoughts leave you and your floating through darkness. Many find the view a top a building or cliff to be picturesque. They stand and spread their arms, breathing in deeply, ready to take just one step.Tags: Suicide, Darkness, Weapons, Death
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Votes: 7
I shall fear no evil
15 Mar, 2013 03:04 PMThe last star has faded. The light has gone. I walk alone in death's garden. Doomed am I to wander, The eternal dark. Black,ever flowering roses. Line the broken paths. Their roots sinking in. Nourished by thorns tearing into dead flesh. Watered with corpse blood.Tags: Death, Darkness, Evil
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Votes: 7
The Wizard
Jack Sorenson
11 Nov, 2012 12:54 AMThe sunlight has faded The sounds of the night came, Which frighten, most humans away And sent them running back to the camp fire Screams came to all our ears From of course the shadows afar Of darkness by the forest trees Quickened heartbeats beaded the strangeness of animal’s cries came aloud Now come to be in the shadowsTags: Wizard, Dark, Fear, Creature Of Darkness, Night, Darkness
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Votes: 7
Tombstones For Eyes
Mario Vitale
07 Jun, 2017 03:18 AMWe search for solace amidst the crowd to appease One day we shall all bow humbly to our knees The land is dark without the sun to light When this life is over there is no double feature Shades of black decorated the plate of mast Silence etched it's beckoning call asunder Tombstones for eyes does this come at a big surprise Can't we ever see through the devil's lies We live in a land where cash is king No chance at heart to let the freedom ring In silence we get a glimpse of what it is to come Blackened hearts of evil that plug destructionTags: Darkness, Fear, Help
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Votes: 6
Dark Child
09 Jan, 2015 10:52 PMShe screams for help But no one cares to feel her pain she's "just a girl" "Just a girl" they all say a stupid girl who doesn't know how to behave but no one knows the real story they think it's a joke they think it's funny when they find out the truthTags: Sin, Darkness, Darkchild01, Hurt, Pain, Revenge
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Votes: 6
Dead Empty Soul
04 Jan, 2015 10:10 AMI'm sitting in this empty room All I can hear is screaming souls Souls of madness but not like me I can see their innocence But a monster like me That no one can see And what I have become, What I have done to some Someone like me That no one can see A psychopath in the darkTags: Dark, Darkness, Killer, Psycho, Psychopath, Sociopath, Insane
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Votes: 6
The darkness of new light
Jack Sorenson
06 Nov, 2014 02:28 AMThe sunlight has faded The sounds of the night came, Which frighten, most humans away And sent them running back to the camp fire Screams came to all our ears From of course the shadows afar Of darkness by the forest trees Quickened heartbeats beaded the strangeness of animal’s cries came aloud Now come to be in the shadowsTags: Darkness
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Votes: 6