
Bailey Blake

03 Dec, 2013 08:15 PM
Close your eyes
Count to five
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Tags: Nothing, Suicide, Cutting, Shattered, Broken, Death, Evil, Voices, Blood
Votes: 10

I am an echo !


19 Nov, 2013 03:12 PM
I'm an echo;
hear through my voice
When it returns back;
you are same
as my own melody
I'm a vision,
See through my eyes
Where it focuses on
You are same as
my own sunshine.
I'm a mirror
watch through my refection
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Tags: Echo, Dark
Votes: -1



19 Dec, 2013 12:30 PM
When night falls
the suns last rays are too soon forgotten
and the temperature drops
just like my heartbeat

Smiles quickly turn into tears 
unspoken words and broken promises
the streets are almost as empty as I am 

Try to drown out everything but the sound of the rain
loneliness is my only real best friend
my thoughts are darker than the night sky
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Tags: Selfharm, Death, Suicide, Blood, Darkness, Cutting, Hurt, Alone
Votes: 12

Pretty Scene


20 Dec, 2013 04:29 PM
She sits on her stool in front of her vanity, 
Brushing her hair and humming a tune,
The feel of darkness and evil is thick in the air,
Yet it goes unnoticed by her,
Out of the shadow I step,
My most prized knife in my hand,
An insane smile on my lips,
I step behind her, raising my knife,
The blade follows a rhythm,
Blood files everywhere and screams fill my ears,
The psychotic laughter spins around the bloody room,
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Tags: Blood, Psychotic, Dark, Death, Murder
Votes: 2

Russian Roulette


20 Dec, 2013 04:54 PM
It was a game of Russian Roulette,
But with a twist,
One person, one gun, one bullet,
A gun in her hands,
Death on her mind,
It was suicide,
With each pull of the trigger her death gets closer,
The excitement, 
The adrenaline,
The suspense, 
It was unexpected, 
Yet it was expected,
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Tags: Dark Mind, Dark Thought
Votes: 0

A Girls Worst Nightmare


29 Dec, 2013 06:35 PM
Her innocence,
Her hope,

Beaten and bruised.
Battered and broken.
it all hurts the same,
And its always unspoken.

Tied to a cross,
We cried for shattered souls.
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Tags: Nightmare, Sadness, Girl, Alone, Hurt, Hate, Hopeless, Hell, Heartbroken, Forgotten, Broken, Cross, Sin, Sinners
Votes: 2

What I want.


28 Dec, 2013 01:33 PM
I'm vain, selfish, reluctant, unmoving
I love that about me
and I love me
but there is another love
the love of reality

Death is truth
Darkness is benevolent, the beginning and end
The recognition of these bring about an interesting person
Ones that I love to watch and study
What I want then is someone like me
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Tags: Insanity, Dark, Darkness, Insecure, Love
Votes: 3

Crimson Red


05 Jan, 2014 05:51 AM
Too much to fight
Too much to feel
Too little light 
For me to heal

I’m stuck in the shadow
Of my long dark past
Stuck like a scare-crow
In fields so vast

A hold on me has the darkness
No longer can I resist it
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Tags: Death, Suicide, Darkness
Votes: 4

<3 Curvvy Angel

Acml Orozco

23 Nov, 2013 04:51 AM
Days and days of photo-flickin'..
    Dolled up in beauty of light and dark..
Until you made a spark to engrave a stark

Starlighted sisters and brothers
   Vendetta takes the sdarked,
Are you goin' to replaced the Lark?

Gothic hearted, Lover Lightness,
    Hear my plea, take my painful 
Implications;resist in me,
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Tags: Gothic, Dolls, Duskette, Dark Cloud
Votes: 0

Can't You Hear


22 Nov, 2013 02:44 AM
Death is coming for you,
He's coming fast,
No need to run or hide,
Can't you hear, 
The bells of Hell are ringing,
Can't you hear, 
The Hell hounds howling,
Can't you hear,
The burning souls of Hell are screaming,
Can't you hear,
Death is calling your name,
Didn't you hear,
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Tags: Death, Dark, Alone, Pain
Votes: 6