Showing results for tag "Life"

The World Is Ugly

Sincerely Yours

17 Jun, 2014 11:16 PM
What is life?
Please do tell	
Is it filled with delight?
Might as well 	

I’ve herd of this thing
Curious I am	
As I step into this fiery pit
The sight was a little less pleasing I must admit

Wondering where all the happiness has gone
The man said “this way come along”
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Tags: Life, Lies, Depression, Pain, Confusion
Votes: 2

Deaths Embrace

Tom Hanno

22 Feb, 2014 12:43 AM
The sweetest release in life, is also the last
Death's Embrace cures all ills, and eliminates all cares.
Be not afraid of death, cherish it, embrace it, love it
For it is the final cure to everything in this world that causes you pain.
I long for that final release, to feel my hearts final beat, and to feel my life leave my body.
When it does come, and come it shall for we all must eventually face Death, 
I will fall readily into her arms, and cherish her loving arms wrapped around me.
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Tags: Death, Life, Change
Votes: 0

Tortured Soul

Austin Jones

10 Oct, 2014 11:11 PM
I sit here
Chained and shackled 
to this pathetic life 
forced to see the horror in everything
horrible people, doing horrible things
I cannot stop it 
no matter how hard I try
my meaningless existence 
nobody cares
nobody tries
forced to conform 
nothing but lies
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Tags: Life, Lies, Torture
Votes: 2

Reincarnating me

Bobbie Hayes

10 Dec, 2016 11:44 PM
and thus I reincarnate
it was the nightingale
in the timid silence
spoke to me as my friend
a friend, from infinity to infinity
from before the birth of our father
to whisper
until after the death of time.
It was a curse of a hovering sparrow
to soar or
to fall asleep
if was a voice it kissed
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Tags: Reincarnation, Life, Death
Votes: 2