Showing results for tag "hopeless"
Cancer in the Heart
13 Oct, 2016 07:48 AMRotten like the sheep flesh being stewed, Disgusting as maggots eating thy flesh, Ugly like the cancer in my heart, Why such creature exists in this Earth? The reminder of the sin you committed, The hate you have shown upon me, I am the "thing" you hold depraved and unwanted. Grown and nurtured into a pot of wrath,Tags: Evil, Revenge, Dark Soul, Dark Love, Broken, Betrayal, Hate, Hurt, Horror, Hopeless
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Votes: 3
We Lied
Ms. hellspawn
19 Dec, 2015 01:55 AMwe smile at each other and he takes my hand and i young and innocent let him take my hand and everything i have we smile at each other and he takes my innocence and i young and in love let him take everything i haveTags: Pain, Peace, Lies, Hopeless
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Votes: 4
Sickness and The Saviour
09 Jan, 2015 09:02 AMThe sickness is calling, Asking for my hand, I'm in a dark place so empty and bare. I pray for a saviour, Screaming at the top of my lungs, I look around to find no one is there. Sickness begins to beg me for my soul, Tells me I have no control, I find a gun and grab the bullet, Pleading for someone to save my life.Tags: Fear, Suffering, Depression, Hopeless, Believing, Forsaken
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Votes: 2
A Girls Worst Nightmare
29 Dec, 2013 06:35 PMHer innocence, Stolen. Her hope, Broken. Beaten and bruised. Battered and broken. it all hurts the same, And its always unspoken. Tied to a cross, We cried for shattered souls.Tags: Nightmare, Sadness, Girl, Alone, Hurt, Hate, Hopeless, Hell, Heartbroken, Forgotten, Broken, Cross, Sin, Sinners
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Votes: 2
04 Mar, 2013 08:12 PMYou cannot stop death, Death is uncontrollable, You can't pause life, No one can do anything. Death is always there, Everyone dies in the end, Life is like a story, Once your story is printed you cannot rewrite it. Death is permanent, You can't reverse it,Tags: Death, Ending, Hopeless
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Votes: 1
Hour Glass
04 Mar, 2013 08:06 PMLife is like an hourglass, you have less time than you think, The devil holds your hourglass, he decides your fate. Time is ticking, sand drains quicker than most, for you are just a half full hourglass, life fading every second. Your never ending fear, of reaching the end,Tags: Hourglass, Death, Hopeless, Time, Fear, Devil, Dark Mind
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Votes: 3
Did You Know?
29 Dec, 2012 07:29 PMDid you know that I loved you? That I cared, More than anyone ever knew, So much I was scared? It was burden I bared, The mark of love for another, I acted on it as much as I dared, So I hid in myself like a cover. I was alone, unable to recover, Alone in my sad little shell,Tags: Sad, Death, Love, Hopeless
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Votes: 3
Why me agian?
14 Dec, 2012 01:55 PMI pushed it far back into a room in my head where I couldn’t find it I locked the door to that room and threw away the key I disguised my face to reflect a person who was fine but inside I was dying crying because I allowed someone to take away the person that I was I did nothing they took my body, they took my soul i used to be whole but now I’m broken into piecesTags: Pain, Darkness, Hopeless
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Votes: 4
Raven Wolff
23 Oct, 2012 10:18 PMI dream of death. A time when I'm free. No more pain, Suffering, Tears. What a good thing that will be. Not having to worry. Being get free from all this, This Hate! This stupid, painful life.Tags: Death, Liveless, Hopeless, Hell, Alone, Lost, Free
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Votes: 5
Suicide is the answer
24 Oct, 2012 10:22 PMDeath is horror, A living nightmare, No one wants to hear, People dying,Everyone is crying, There's sadness in the air, Life is hell,Today I know,Want I did was wrong, I killed my love with no care, So I am sorry for you now, Suicide is the answer to end all hope for me, So maybe then you'll see we are not meant to be,Tags: Death, Suicide, Darkness, Selfharm, Hopeless
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Votes: 4