Mario Vitale
07 Jun, 2017 02:04 AMA heart can bleed an evil deed Yet in nature lie dormant after the fall A return to fear after all The climatic edge toward their own demise Still a word to the wise Cursed A sin will always find you out This ought to give the sinner something to bitch & pout To light a flame in shouts of anguish after the fallTags: Minds, Evil, Hate
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Votes: 1
Evil Minds That Plug Destruction
Mario Vitale
07 Jun, 2017 02:03 AMWho sets the standard ? Satan Who is the prince of the power of the air ? The devil Actions in which humans rebel against God Miss their true purpose for their lives Surrendering to the prince of the air more then God Cause all their deeds were evil Ozzy Osbourne stand of this with Black Sabbath Many heads today are going to have to take a long bath They bitch, pout & scream Living in their darkened world of meanTags: False, Evil, Hell
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Votes: 2
Viscous Fangs That Bite
Mario Vitale
07 Jun, 2017 02:00 AMAlone On a desolate path in the darkened woods The sound of acorns falling from the tree Walking & taking in the scene Shadows block my foot steps as I tread Suddenly I came across a hole in the ground There was a steel beam across the entrance Then the noise came Howling with demonic flames inside I wanted to run away & hideTags: Evil, Fright, Fangs
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Votes: 1
Satan's Hell
Mario Vitale
07 Jun, 2017 01:58 AMWhen in time he will be no more weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth darkened dungeon with no oxygen left helpless alone taunt to the flame with intense pain the magic of his passion is gone Deceived Evil minds that plug destruction plunge in it's flame the thought of a drop of water to quench your thirst eyes filled with tombstones Demonic beings inflict their madness on you the river Styx runs through it's flameTags: Darkness, Fright, Teeth
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Votes: 3
Love is pain. ...Pain is love
29 May, 2017 05:14 PMMy life is no longer my own Controlled by forces out of my control Why did he hurt me, why did he cheat. I break down and cry... So many many tears. I yell why me, why again, please tell me All I hear is silence and the lightly blowing wind. I dream of a place high and far away A place where peace lives Where hurt cannot touch me.Tags: Depression, Suicide, Cheating
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Votes: 6
Death to the grave
J Jackson
23 May, 2017 10:07 PMI want to burn all the heavens just so i have a place that feels like home I would tear the wings from an angels back if means that she would not roam I would break your pretty little halo so you couldnt see by its light In darkness we will live forever its the only place where things feel right Tonight i wont burn my bridges Ill salt them so my demons cant cross Ill paint signs with blood in the midnight sky to remember all that iv lost A battle wages within me tho from the outside no one would knowTags: Ghost, Demon
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Votes: 3
Hallows of the night
Jack Sorenson
20 May, 2017 05:02 PMHallows of the night Searching for more like myself facing my own doomed to feel the dead calling myself for a recantation to hear them, the beating heartbeat coming forward to me, calling me for help Now too be heard by myself to meet up on this night at the Hollow’s of the darkness of the moons darkness nightTags: Death, Sadness
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Votes: 29
Anthony Kamm
02 May, 2017 04:31 AMCreeping and crawling away in the dark, Something is living within my heart. High beyond the attic door, There is a creature who screams with a mighty roar. Writing alone in the dark by candlelight, It whispers to me and gives me the frights. Its horrifying tales are filled with gore, Oh, how I wish I could write no more. These dreaded tales of a world no more, I am imprisoned by this wretched whore.Tags: Horror, Writing, Darkness
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Votes: 5
Ambrose K. Madoc
26 Apr, 2017 07:24 PMHe lurks in the shadows Hiding Waiting Hiding from me Waiting from me I sense him Anxiety signals him He is near And then he strikes It is when I am most joyous that he strikes Not a hard strikeTags: Depression, Depressed
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Votes: -1
The Voices
Ambrose K. Madoc
26 Apr, 2017 07:00 PMTime passes without you and I am fine Until your comfort creeps back Until your voices are heard again What? Nothing Who? No one Why? I know that all to well You relieve the hurt, hassle and, hatredTags: Drug, Addiction, Drugs
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Votes: 2