Showing results for tag "Blood"

Give in to the Pain


10 Nov, 2013 06:02 PM
The empty room is flooded with moonlight 
It's already way past midnight
Your hands are shaking
As your mask is slowly breaking 

A streak of liquid silver trails down your cheek
Even if you tried you could not speak
An icy breeze caresses your skin 
But you're numb; you can't feel a thing

Give in to the pain...
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Tags: Pain, Numb, Suicide, Cutting, Blood, Self Harm, Lost, Alone, Death, Dark, Hell, Demonic
Votes: 38

Blood, a gift

Kaiza Urai

12 Feb, 2013 07:29 PM
Am I really so unusual
Am I such an awful thing?
That I deserved such prejudice
From you who acts as king?

Look at yourself, so noble and wise
An emperor so bold
To slay your own kin without thought
To keep your stash of gold

I tell you, king, Sir Demigod
All things that live must end
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Tags: Vampire, Blood, Death, Love, Monster, Truth, Slay, Life, Living, Evil, Sin
Votes: 11

In my Corner

Nick Vixon

22 Jan, 2013 08:04 PM
I'm waiting here
All alone
I haven't had a place to go
Many years pass
On and on they go
Go on for oh so long
And me?
I'm just sitting here

In a corner
So dark and cold
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Tags: Murder, Pain, Darkness, Blood, Art, Solitude, Possession, Screams, Death, Cutting, Cut
Votes: 5


Your Worst Nightmare

26 Feb, 2013 09:31 PM
There was once a girl with no name
Quiet, small and dark
They called her What's-Her-Face
She didn't mind, not at all 

Her hair was a dark brown
Her head, kept low
No one knew what was the matter
But they knew, not to get involved

What's-Her-Face was alone, lonely and unwanted
She was a freak
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Tags: Depression, Suicide, Dark, Cutting, Death, Love, Blood
Votes: 32


Bailey Blake

03 Dec, 2013 08:15 PM
Close your eyes
Count to five
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Tags: Nothing, Suicide, Cutting, Shattered, Broken, Death, Evil, Voices, Blood
Votes: 10



19 Dec, 2013 12:30 PM
When night falls
the suns last rays are too soon forgotten
and the temperature drops
just like my heartbeat

Smiles quickly turn into tears 
unspoken words and broken promises
the streets are almost as empty as I am 

Try to drown out everything but the sound of the rain
loneliness is my only real best friend
my thoughts are darker than the night sky
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Tags: Selfharm, Death, Suicide, Blood, Darkness, Cutting, Hurt, Alone
Votes: 12

Last goodbye.

Raven Wolff

23 Oct, 2012 10:28 PM
I'm ready
its time I take my last breath.
end my suffering life.
I know I promised.
but I cant hold on anymore.
I cant take this.
This is hell
This is horrible.
End it now! before.
Before I do.
Right now I just wanna,
put this blade to my vain.
[Read More]
Tags: Goodbye, Forever Gone, Lost, Dark, Suicide, Suicide Note, Pain, Blood
Votes: 21


Zane-Geoff Hugo

06 May, 2014 11:10 AM
I am a lost soul
Nowhere to go
Darkness all around me
like the art on my wrists
my mind is screaming
on the outside I’m smiling

One more flick of the of the brush and the work should be complete
Red stains the canvas
Tears brush my eyelashes
My art is done
I drop the brush
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Tags: Blood, Tears, Pain, Cutting, Depress, Death, Suicide, Alone, Afrai
Votes: 12

His Final Moments

Zach Nielson

02 May, 2013 04:54 AM
In the dark room, your arms and legs are warm and wet
The scent of iron engulfs your nose
A dim light bounces beams of grey over your figure
As you look down, you notice a black crimson
This image startles you, while a rush of pain hits your wrists

As you cry out for help, you realize
No one will help you
Not a soul can.

The blade has cut vertically, signing your death
She walks over to you
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Tags: Suicide, Blood, Imagry, Darkness, Tears, Death
Votes: 3

My thought.

Raven Wolff

23 Oct, 2012 10:16 PM
Is it bad I think of dying?
Is it bad I wanna die?
Is it bad I've tried many time?
is it bad that all I wanna do is,
is be alone?

Alone in the Dark.
With only my thoughts and,
and blades?
The darkness is my friend.
My only other?
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Tags: Blood, Goodbye, Free, Death, Suicide, Thinking, Dying Slowly, Cutting, Cut
Votes: 4